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The Republican Joke Debate

On Wednesday night Fox News is holding the first Republican Debate. As of now these are the participants.

Former Vice President Mike Pence, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, former Ambassador and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, former Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, former Gov. Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and biotech entrepreneur and bestselling author Vivek Ramaswamy.

Almost an entire field of nobody’s. Not one of these people has a snowballs chance in hell of winning the Presidency. The reasons for this are multifold, but the main reason is none of them are Donald Trump.

If Trump does not get the nomination, or is prevented from running through the machinations of the Department of Justices Unconstitutional, Corrupt, and Illegal persecutions against Trump a good 35 Million Republicans will Vote “None of the Above”.

The fact that it will cause the Democrat Candidate to win the Presidency is irrelevant. The Republican Base is that pissed off, we will allow the country to collapse if Trump is eliminated by any means. It really is that simple.

Watching the talking heads run 1000 different scenarios of which of those above could beat Biden or whoever the Democrat Nominee is just wrong. The ANGER of the base is being totally ignored by all sides. Some are ignoring it out of ignorance, some out of denial, some out of fear. No matter their reason the anger is being intentionally ignored, but it will be seen on election day if Trump is not the nominee.

For any of the candidates above to win they need the entire Republican base to vote for them. Hell will freeze over before that happens. Some of the candidates above like Chris Christie, if he caught on fire the base wouldn’t pee on him to put the flames out. DeSantis ruined his shoe in for the nomination in 2028 by being convinced of running now.

Out of the list that will be on that stage Wednesday night, only Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina has a chance of being picked as Trumps Vice President. The rest are a pack of clowns whose egos have convinced them they are more than they ever could be in the peoples eyes.

I do want to point out and spell out one “Special” Candidate out of the list above… The Fat Man from New Jersey, Chris Christie. Christie is HATED, he is hated by every Republican voter. The more he is seen on every Democrat Talking Head show in America the deeper that hate is felt. The man is a walking pustule, he only won the NJ Governorship because half the Democrats voted for him. There are not enough Republicans in NJ to elect anyone to any office in that state without pulling a third of the Democrat voters.

I will be watching the Debate as I record the Trump interview with Tucker Carlson. I will be watching this clown debate the same way that you have to look at a car crash as you pass on by.

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