The Leicester Square curiosity.


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

We saw a story that emerged yesterday concerning a stabbing that took place in Leicester Square, London. Here is how the media reported it;

An 11-year-old girl was seriously injured in a stabbing in London’s Leicester Square on Monday, police said in a statement, adding that a man had been arrested at the scene of the attack. The police said they did not believe the stabbing was terror-related. The girl’s mother, 34, received minor injuries during the incident in the busy central London area which is popular with tourists. The child’s injuries were not life threatening, police said. A 32-year-old man named as Ioan Pintaru of no fixed address, was swiftly arrested and officers were not looking for anyone else in connection with the attack.

Shortly after this information emerged, there was a feel good twist to the story.

Abdullah, who works at TWG Tea shop, said: ‘I saw that he was stabbing a kid. I jumped on him, pulled the hand in which he was carrying a knife and put him down on the floor and just [held] him and [kicked] the knife away from him.’

The woman and her daughter were taken to hospital by paramedics after the man, not thought to have been known to them, was apprehended by police.

People took to social media to tell us what a hero Abdullah was. His actions saved lives. The fact he would appear to be Muslim seems … helpful.

I have a few questions here.

First of all, the alleged stabber, a “white Eastern European” just stood there quietly as he was arrested. He appears to be homeless as he has “no fixed address” – how did he come to our country? Was he here legally?

Secondly, why does the hero of the hour. Abdullah, not have a surname? That seems unusual.

Thirdly, why is there no blood present at the scene of a double stabbing?

At this point in proceedings, I think it is healthy to question EVERYTHING we are spooned by the media.

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