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The Insanity has begun, but it’s been going on for quite some time.

The next two years the American House of Representatives is going to get nothing accomplished legislatively, nor should it. The only purpose it has is to expose exactly how bad the corruption and weaponization of the Federal Government against the American People has taken place.

The only way this is going to be accomplished is through hearings and the public exposure of what is uncovered in those hearings. The exposing of the crimes and corruptions to the public will be a lot harder than it will be finding them.

The Republican Party has always lacked the talent to deliver a loud coherent message. To explain to the public what their goals are, what they have found that is wrong, let alone explaining how they intend to fix it. The only person in my lifetime was Newt Gingrich, and he was crucified for it.

The current problem we have may be unfixable, that problem is a Political Class allowed to make themselves and their families rich through every type of financial corruption you can imagine. That problem though I believe is my nations Gordian Knot.

The corruption that must be first dealt with is the direct attack on our Civil Rights, which in America is supposed to be impossible. What is being proven to us beyond the shadow of any doubt however is not the case. The crushing of our 1st Amendment Rights has been revealed for all to see.

The Political Class and the Political Bureaucracy have weaponized The Justice System against the American Public. It is no longer used for the peoples safety, it is used to manipulate and control them. It has even taken Political Prisoners. Every person arrested for January 6th 2021 riot had their Human and Civil Rights violated. There are people still locked up today for Trespassing over 2yrs later. This is article is not about those poor people. This article is about the ongoing attack on the entire nation’s Civil Rights by the Federal Government.

The barely Republican Controlled House of Representatives is holding Hearings. These hearings are to try and expose the corruption of the Justice Department and it’s ongoing use against the American People. I say expose because not one person will be convicted of anything, at least not over the next two years of these hearings.

As a citizen it is my job to help expose to both the American Public and the world how the American System has been corrupted from being “for, of, and by the people” into an elitist thugocracy with the goals of profiting and controlling the people rather than serve them. They are called Civil Servants, even the elected ones, We need to see that they are held to standards befitting that title.

We were warned of these abuses, while at the same time we were being assured that our Constitution would defend us against such abuse. If we look at Federalist 51 one of the arguments for adopting the Constitution it was addressed directly.

But the great security against a gradual concentration of the several powers in the same department, consists in giving to those who administer each department, the necessary constitutional means, and personal motives, to resist encroachments of the others. The provision for defence must in this, as in all other cases, be made commensurate to the danger of attack. Ambition must be made to counteract ambition. The interest of the man must be connected with the constitutional rights of the place. It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to controul the abuses of government. But what is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controuls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: You must first enable the government to controul the governed; and in the next place, oblige it to controul itself. A dependence on the people is no doubt the primary controul on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions.

We have long slipped passed those precautions. The connections to the constitutional rights assigned to these servants have been cast aside. The rules and laws put in place to bind them are simply ignored. We have allowed the ambitions of men and women to stray not only away from those constitutional restraints but from the only reason any government job exists, to serve the people.

If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controuls on government would be necessary.

What we have now in place of people serving the good of the people, are people at every level of government service whose only ambition is to profit in wealth and power at the expense of and on the backs of the American People.

The checks and balances that hold our government in place no longer exist. As Hamilton stated above Ambition must be made to counteract ambition. The interest of the man must be connected with the constitutional rights of the place. It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to controul the abuses of government. We are witnessing the proof that we have clearly failed to control the abuses of our government.

You must first enable the government to controul the governed; and in the next place, oblige it to controul itself. We have given our government massive control over our lives, we have done so with trust. Trust that we have elected and hired good decent men and women to positions of power. To our dismay we have not. The past 8 years have shown just how little our government has controlled itself, how willingly they have side stepped or just outright violated the law.

The nomination, election, and Presidency of Donald Trump inadvertently exposed the massive abuse of power and corruption of our Federal Bureaucracy by both those we’ve elected and hired. The curtains are being pulled back, yet the disinfectant of daylight is still being blocked by corrupt officials and an even more corrupt press.

What we know.

The Obama Administration in concert with the Clinton’s, the DNC. the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, and even the State Department, using the nations Internet Corporations set about to actively sabotage the Campaign, and Presidency of President Trump. They falsified evidence, they lied under oath, and they weaponized every facet of the Federal Government against him, his family, associates and the American People that supported him.

Here is just one of the tools they used, and are still using.

The Hamilton 68 “dashboard” was the brainchild of former FBI special agent and MSNBC contributor Clint Watts and operated under the Alliance for Securing Democracy, a think tank founded in 2017 — shortly after former President Trump took office.  

The ASD Advisory Council included such figures as top Clinton ally John Podesta, Obama-era acting CIA Director Michael Morell, former US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, and former conservative activist Bill Kristol.

Hamilton 68

From the Federalist

Hamilton 68 was a digital dashboard that, as my colleague Emily Jashinsky recently discussed, was used to perpetuate and mainstream the myth of Russian interference in American politics through algorithmic censorship and suppression. Hamilton 68 was of unique interest to the unelected members of the American government who staff the national bureaucracy and compose the federal civil service.

With the election of Donald Trump, there was a distinct shift in the bureaucracy’s expressed priorities. Previously, the federal government had been preoccupied with the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT), but along with Trump’s ascension to the presidency, federal agencies began to place a disproportionate emphasis on utilizing “public-private partnerships” to root out alleged Russian influence.

Once Hamilton 68 came online, an inordinate amount of attention was placed on 644 Twitter accounts that were flagged as “bots” spreading “Russian disinformation.” Thanks to Taibbi’s reporting, it is now publicly documented that these accounts were overwhelmingly run by American citizens and other Western civilians with no connection to Russia whatsoever. But to people involved in conservative politics at the time, it was clear that Hamilton 68 was a con. 

“It was run by the teams that ran Russiagate, so this was yet another arm of their public attack on Trump and Trump supporters,” Milius said. “I was looking at the list of users, and I was like, ‘Bro, my secret handle is on there. Like all my friends are on there. I know these people. They’re not bots.’”

Milius stated that the individuals behind Hamilton 68 were directly providing “someone or multiple people” at the State Department with the lists of accounts being algorithmically monitored.

Such collusion would indicate the government was effectively taking orders from a politically biased third party about which private citizens it should monitor, suppress, and allow to be libeled by the corporate media.

No one has paid for those crimes. FBI agents that lied under oath, falsified evidence, even after being exposed committing those crimes some admitting it under oath. They either still have their jobs or are retired government “experts” commentators foe CNN & MSNBC.

The massive violation of the 1st Amendment.

On Wednesday the House held a Hearing on Twitter with it’s former executives. The following are some very Important Clips of that Hearing. The Hearing lasted over 6 hours. These highlights show how the FBI attacked both American Citizens and Elected Officials 1st Amendment Rights. They are very damning and very informative.

House Oversight Committee hearing on Twitter and the FBI

This first one is Representative Lauren Boebert discussing the violation of her and her constituents rights.

This is Marjorie Taylor Greene discussing the violation of her and her constituents rights.

This is Representative Scott Perry confronting Ex-Twitter about just how intertwined with the FBI they were.

This is Representative Jim Jordan explaining to Ex-Twitter how it was used as a tool by the FBI to violate the 1st Amendment

Here is Jim Jordan trying to ask James A Baker is a former American government official at the Department of Justice who served as general counsel for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and later served as deputy general counsel at Twitter, Baker keeps claiming Attorney Client Privilege to not answer questions, in spite of the fact that Privilege is not recognized by Congress for people before them under a subpoena. Baker is refusing to answer because he was the liaison between the FBI and Twitter. As such if these hearings were to lead to criminal prosecutions Mr. Baker will certainly be prosecuted.

This is the best clip of the all day hearing. Representative Anna Paulina Luna breaks down the method used by Ex-Twitter and the Federal Bureaucracy to violate the Rights and Laws protecting the rights of the American People.

To give a fair example of the Democrats behavior during this hearing about the attack on American Civil Rights and Liberty I give you all of ours’ favorite Representative Ms. AOC. Whose first rant was to repeat the lie that the Hunter Biden Laptop is not real, and proceeds to claim that Ex-Twitter really supported rightwing lunacy.

These Hearings are vital to the future of the United States. There will be no prosecutions from the crimes that are being exposed. Not for a lack of evidence or guilt, but for the simple reason that the U.S. Department of Justice are the criminals. The only thing that will eventually lead to prosecutions and change is making sure that these crimes are shown to as many people as we can get to see them.

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