The HOPE and CHANGE is not going to be Political!

The UK General Election has been called for the 4th July and already social media is replete with prospective Parliamentary candidates offering you the twin chimera of “Hope and Change” How many years have you watched them try to pull this trick, even incumbent parties try to play it!

But here’s the reality check, they will are all lying through their teeth to you and will not deliver hope worth having or any change for the better.

In essence, democratic elections are an elaborate ruse. Politicians make promises and the electorate are bamboozled by the media into believing at least some of them. The only thing that actually changes are the political faces delivering the main deceits. For the past 14 years, the British people have elected Conservatives and for 14 years they have been starved off any meaningful Conservatism. Now the electorate are hoping that Labour will deliver “change” with globalist puppet Sir Keir Starmer. He will do no such thing. Yes, we will see the final dagger plunged into the Brexit coffin; we will see free speech further undermined; we will see the Trans movement further indulged; above all we will see more mass migration and the continuation of insane Net Zero policies. What “hope” does this bring, exactly?

I have since abandoned the illusion that voting for Political parties is a good thing. The BEST thing I feel we can do is look inside ourselves and try to be better people. Let’s change ourselves. That is why I see my Christian faith as the bulwark that keeps me sane. The Bible does not provide fake promises.

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​  David Vance SubstackRead More

The UK General Election has been called for the 4th July and already social media is replete with prospective Parliamentary candidates offering you the twin chimera of “Hope and Change” How many years have you watched them try to pull this trick, even incumbent parties try to play it!

But here’s the reality check, they will are all lying through their teeth to you and will not deliver hope worth having or any change for the better.

In essence, democratic elections are an elaborate ruse. Politicians make promises and the electorate are bamboozled by the media into believing at least some of them. The only thing that actually changes are the political faces delivering the main deceits. For the past 14 years, the British people have elected Conservatives and for 14 years they have been starved off any meaningful Conservatism. Now the electorate are hoping that Labour will deliver “change” with globalist puppet Sir Keir Starmer. He will do no such thing. Yes, we will see the final dagger plunged into the Brexit coffin; we will see free speech further undermined; we will see the Trans movement further indulged; above all we will see more mass migration and the continuation of insane Net Zero policies. What “hope” does this bring, exactly?

I have since abandoned the illusion that voting for Political parties is a good thing. The BEST thing I feel we can do is look inside ourselves and try to be better people. Let’s change ourselves. That is why I see my Christian faith as the bulwark that keeps me sane. The Bible does not provide fake promises.

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​David Vance Substack

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