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The HELL that is Twitter was has gotten worse.

My account at Twitter has been Suspended for replying to the following post.

The letter bellow contains my reply(in red) to the post, and the fact that I have been suspended for it.

Your account is suspended

After careful review, we determined your account broke the Twitter Rules. Your account is permanently in read-only mode, which means you can’t Tweet, Retweet, or Like content. You won’t be able to create new accounts. If you think we got this wrong, you can submit an appeal.

Hello Huck Finn, Your account, Behindthemask53 has been suspended for violating the Twitter Rules. Specifically, for: Violating our rules against violent speech. You may not threaten, incite, glorify, or express a desire for harm or violence.

Huck Finn@Behindthemask53@DVATW Step on the accelerato

Note that if you attempt to evade a suspension by creating new accounts, we will suspend your new accounts. If you wish to appeal this suspension, please contact our support team. If you have an active Twitter Blue subscription, it will not be automatically canceled by Twitter. To cancel your Twitter Blue subscription, follow these instructions.  
X Corp. 1355 Market Street, Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103
received email

I have of course appealed the Suspension, but as is typical with Twitter or X as it now calls itself, I have received no reply, no determination on how long I am to be suspended nor any response to a few basic questions.

Let’s evaluate this shall we. We have a tweet that asks what you would do…?

There is a Woman rushing to get her dying baby to the Hospital who is being blocked from doing so by Anti-Oil Protestors blocking the Highway. My response was Step on the accelerator.

My belief is that no matter the cause people tend to get of the way of a car that won’t stop. I did not say run them over or injure anyone, yet my statement is the incitement of violence. I guess people preventing a baby’s life from being saved is not an act of violence even though it may lead to the baby’s death according to Twitter.

Other people also responded, the post had 202 Retweets, 32 Quotes, 933 Likes and 9 Bookmarks. Here are some examples of the other replies. “Pepper spray would be a nice addition.” “Super glue them to the bridge rail.” “Keep rolling” “Just drive,they will move” “They should have paint guns to paint the protesters.” “Drive forward after giving warning and let God sort it out.” “If I come across any of this, I will drive right through them” “If I was taking my BABY to the HOSPITAL I’d be sure to invite all of the people blocking my way to join us AT the hospital.” “If my child should have emergency visit to hospital, knowing that we would be there faster than by calling 911, i would GIVE them filming that i give them 2 warnings to step asid, and pushing in the gaspedal!!!!” “If was the choice between my child and the protesters I would have forced my car through no matter the consequences” and they go on and on.

It seems most people feel the same way as I did. The post and all the other responses remain up on Twitter, my response was the only one deleted and the only account suspended.

I am a Political Blogger, I am a Conservative Trump Supporter. I never incite violence, nor engage in arguments with other users. Yet I was the only one suspended.

Twitter as a Social Platform is a HELL we all step into voluntarily. We do so to engage with those we agree and disagree with. I even pay for a Blue check mark so that I can write my views out in full. I play by Twitters Rules. It is Twitter that still doesn’t follow any rules or guidelines in treating their paying customers.

Twitter as a Company, as a business, is still run like a college newspaper where the “in kids” are in charge.. It totally lacks any Professional Attributes of a real Corporation. It has ZERO Customer Service, ZERO Professionalism in it’s conduct with both the Public and it’s paying Clients. They allow no Direct Contact with the Company. They force paying customers to submit to form letters that Twitter NEVER responds to. While they continue to censor and control both political and non-violent speech alike.

As a Social Platform it is still the best platform that exists as sad as it is. As a Business Twitter stock sells for $53.70. I would value it at less than a dollar a share. If not for Musk and his wealth this company shouldn’t be anything more than a penny stock.

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One thought on “The HELL that is Twitter was has gotten worse.

  1. old twitter responded to 50% of government takedown requests.
    Elon Musks twitter responded to 99.8% of government takedown requests.

    Elon musk is a fraud. imagine paying him money for the promise of free speech, and having to be ultra careful about what you say, because you are far more likely to be censored under Musk.


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