The “Far Right” Psyop


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

This last few weeks has seen the establishment media replete with ominous warnings of the “Far Right” taking to British streets to spread “hatred and violence” towards minority population. Labour politicians all line up to instruct us that the “Far Right” are an existential threat to our well being as a country and that “far right thugs” must face “the full weight of the law”! It’s been in lockstep, just as with the Covid scam.

There is a slight problem with all of this.

There is no “Far Right” problem in the UK. It is entirely an invention of the hard Left – which does very much exist – and it is a convenient bogey man to conjure up to deflect attention away from the very real concerns that MILLIONS of people hold concerning mass migration and open borders.

This has now been weaponised by the Labour junta to demonise concerned these British citizens and close down any debate on the ongoing destruction of our country! Even questioning the legitimacy of Open Borders and Mass migration on-line might result in a knock at the door from the Police. Perish the thought that we raise questions about Islam and how it is operating in the UK.

There is no doubt that we are experiencing a globalist coup against the British people and this is being met with almost zero political resistance. The worse than useless Conservatives just sit back and let it happen which is further evidence that it is a UNIPARTY we face in Parliament. Reform has made some noises but could be a lot more muscular in response.

The British People are facing a choice. Either shut up and accept the total destruction of our Nation State and heritage OR stand up and reject every aspect of what is being imposed.

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