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The Answer to the Abortion promise of an Empty Womb

Early in January, I commented, favourably, on the stance taken by some Twenty Republican House Representatives; which ended the tyrannical rule of the poisonous Pelosi, and which, eventually, brought about major change to the powers, and the actions, of the new Speaker of Congress’ House. Further actions and responses indicate that America has a slim chance to begin healing. 

But I also reported, happily, on an idea, an installation, which echoes the best of America. It is, and was, conceived with a tiny leavening of genius, to go into the mind of a usually, ill-educated, more than likely to be, but not exclusively, black young woman who has become pregnant without truly understanding how that conception had come about. Through the mass-marketing and grossly over-targeted adverts in both the MSM, and Online for such grisly organisations as the deceitfully named Planned Parenthood abortion mills, thousands of those foolish females walk through the ‘Parenthood’ doors, and onwards to the ‘killing floors’; where much of the Foetal Tissue remains of their aborted offspring are cleansed, sorted and stored before being sold onwards for ‘knowledge’, for ‘research’: but always for ‘Profit’.

But, fortunately, many young expectant, and possibly unwilling, mothers have seen through the lies and the easy words which promise an ending without pain or trauma to the unborn baby in their womb; knowing that in their own minds that truth which tells them that ‘killing babies is wrong’, and decide to proceed towards that birth, more than likely without access from financial support of the father of that foetus, and possibly without the support of a wider family network.

So we come to that ‘tiny leavening of genius’, which is the Safe Haven Baby Box. Safe Haven Baby Boxes founder and CEO Monica Kelsey said she came up with the idea for Safe Haven Baby Boxes “because officials were still finding dead, abandoned babies despite states having a Safe Haven law, allowing mothers to surrender newborns to hospitals and fire stations,” 

Firefighters in Bowling Green, Kentucky, last week found the first baby placed into their Safe Haven Baby Box, which was just installed in December. WBKO reported that an infant was left in the Safe Haven Baby Box at the Bowling Green Fire Department (BGFD)  station on Lovers Lane. The firefighters retrieved the child just a minute and a half after the box was used, WNKY noted. Monika Kelsey, held a press conference. Addressing the parents of the baby, she thanked the parents for looking out for the best interests of their child, per WNKY:

“Thank you for doing what you felt you could for the life of this child,” said Kelsey. “This baby is healthy. This baby is beautiful. This baby is perfect. And the Department of Child Services is now looking for a forever home for this family… If this parent is out there and they want the resources of counselling or medical care, it is available for you at no cost.”

So here’s to the onward march of the Safe Haven Baby Boxes. There should be one in every County, more in every American City. Let’s hope that the murder machines such as the deceitfully named Planned Parenthood abortion mills lose further income as the Supreme Court’s decision gave the right to decide upon Abortion back to the individual States, loose ever more ‘clients’ as such ideas like the ‘Baby Box’ gain more ground in the minds of America.

And while we are indeed talking about Abortion, which has risen, disgracefully in my opinion, to Abortion upon Demand within these once ‘Sceptered Isles’ why don’t we see a Brit. Safe Baby Box programme within this once-United Kingdom?

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