Interview with Kari Lake
My interview with Kari Lake US Republican (Arizona) Views: 0
I will not submit, I will not comply
My interview with Kari Lake US Republican (Arizona) Views: 0
Kari Lake has emerged as one of the most inspiring MAGA politicians in the United States. She stood as the GOP candidate for Governor of the state of Arizona but appears to have been cheated out of winning just as Trump was in 2020. She joins me next…
The Biden criminal cartel uses the DOJ to bring about the SECOND arrest of Donald Trump in three years. That’s how much they fear him!
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Today they Indict a former President. The sitting President is arresting his Political Opponent. If he is convicted of just…
Another day and another fake “indictment” against Donald Trump by a Democratic Party desperate to stop him standing next year for the Presidency.
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Last night, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced his run for the position of US President, on Twitter! What does this mean? Can he succeed or will Trump flatten him? Can either of them defeat the Democrat cheating machine?
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David Vance in conversation with Sam Anthony Views: 1
Democrats weaponised and changed the law so that one particular strange woman could sue Donald Trump in a civilian New York Court. Guess what, it won’t work!
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On Wednesday evening CNN held a townhall event with President Trump. A lot of people on both sides were upset….
Donald Trump’s popularity amongst Republican voters has been soaring all year, as he crushes the DeSantis challenge. But now a New York jury has found him INNOCENT of a rape charge but guilty of a sexual assault. What does this mean for his chances a…
A Threat to Our Democracy On April 4th 2023 a real Insurrection took place in the United States, an Insurrection…
Former US President Donald Trump flies to New York today to appear in Court tomorrow on an indictment of bribing a former porn star to stay quiet about their affair. Is this important? Are we being distracted? Will it backfire?
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The UK media salivates over the news that Democrat operatives have indicted Donald Trump. We will see some sensational images next week. There is a reason this is happening and it is all about trying to stop Trump running for the White House again.
They Indicted The Presidential Opposition. It’s not just Donald Trump they’ve Indicted, it is the belief in the American System…
Did you see a commentator on Fox News admit that the Ron DeSantis campaign is being “assisted” by the Bush family and Karl Rove? In the light of this, Donald Trump constitutes the best hope in 2024.
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