Remove ALL Covid jabs from the Market
Esteemed Cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough calls for the removal of ALL Covid vaccines from the market based on the startling “excess deaths” we are seeing.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
I will not submit, I will not comply
Esteemed Cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough calls for the removal of ALL Covid vaccines from the market based on the startling “excess deaths” we are seeing.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
There are many reasons why Boris Johnson is unfit to hold office but his breaches of his own Covid restrictions are not one of them. His primary sin is that he INTRODUCED the restrictions in the first place!
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Former UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock is caught on camera suggesting that *he* should be provided with personal immunity from ANY claims emerging from lack of care in the Care Homes back in 2020.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
No sane person can actually MISS the lockdowns but it doesn’t stop a Times senior journalist lamenting their passing. The Times is the voice of the British establishment so what does that tell you? Are we being groomed to accept future lockdowns?
OK, so how can you tell if you have “long Covid’? Let’s look at symptoms, you won’t believe this!
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
Former Health Secretary Matt “Midazolam” Hancock does NOT like being questioned about what he got up to during Covid times and his defence is that he is a human being!
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
How can somebody see their Youtube channel grow from 100,000 to almost 3 Million during Covid and be a critical thinker? Let’s ask Dr John Campbell…
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
Forget about the “Wuhan lab leak” theory – all you need know is that the “vaccine” is the bio-weapon.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
It’s been a long journey these past three years as we fought against the Covid tyranny. Sometimes it has been a lonely journey as so many argued that we had got it wrong and that the jabs were safe and effective. Some of these high profile people are…
The Irish county of Waterford boasted that its people were keen to get their Covid jabs and the compliance rate is reputed to be over 98%. Can you guess which Irish county has recorded a SHOCKING level of excess deaths?
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Not my view, but the view coming from Spiked online as it doubles down on its attacks on critical thinkers. Come with me as we examine what Spiked is now saying!
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
What sort of lunatics are still “testing” themselves for Covid in 2023? Imagine using a LFT or a PCR (both fraudulent) to detect something that doesn’t exist and which never did exist.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
Ofcom has fined GB News for comments made by Dr Naomi Wolf on the Mark Steyn show last September. She dared to challenge some of the claims made concerning vaccine safety and that was enough for Ofcom to go for GB News. Meanwhile, ITV allow a raving …
What are to make of high profile “personalities” who superficially seem to be on our side but who are far from it? Covid and the Vaccines caught them all out!
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
1. Drones over the Kremlin – heating up WW3?2. The Coronation of King Charles – excited yet?3. EV’s, footpaths and…