The Dystopian Underbelly of a Cashless Society
Navigating the Perils of State and Corporate Control In the digital age, the allure of a cashless society is undeniably…
I will not submit, I will not comply
Navigating the Perils of State and Corporate Control In the digital age, the allure of a cashless society is undeniably…
What if I told you that what is happening in Ukraine is simply part of the WEF Global reset? A Cash-free digitally controlled society where you are safe but have no freedom left.
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The Bank of England says it WILL launch digital currency in 2025. How will they do it and what does it mean?
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The Bank of England spell it out – there may be a limit of £10,000 per person when it introduces the Digital Pound in 2025 or so. We warned you. They are angling for total control over your finances!
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Central Bank Digital Currencies (BDDG’s) are an easy route to the digital gulag. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis can see this and aims to stop them being rolled out in his State.
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A new Government reports suggests that militant Islam is the biggest terrorist threat we face. I disagree. I think that the Government is the biggest threat that we face and that it is ruthless in how it seeks to divide and conquer us!
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Once more the extreme conspiracy theorists that we are warned to ignore have been proven RIGHT with the announcement that several large international banks and the New York Fed aim to launch the digital dollar imminently and this might then extend in…
I’m afraid the “conspiracy theorists” are proven RIGHT once again! This time the Deputy Head of the IMF, Bo Li, comes out and suggests that Central Bank Digital Currencies should be linked to a CCP-style Social Conformance Score and people then controlle…
Another day and another “crisis” on the currency markets. The Pound falls and then rises against the Dollar on the words of the Governor of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey. Our monetary system swings from crisis to crisis since the “Mini Budget” and I…