Straw Men and Paper Tigers


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

It’s very clear that we are in for a very challenging 5 years as UK Prime minister Keir Starmer repeats his dreary and deceitful mantra that the “far-right” are a very real concern for his Government. The essential problem is that there is NO significant “far-right” in the UK and this is just a carefully curated term designed to demonise ALL patriots. It’s snake oil.

‘Keir Starmer admitted he is “worried” about the rise of the far right, but told the BBC that the UK is not a racist country. In a sit-down with Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg, the prime minister addressed the violent anti-immigration riots which broke out just weeks into his premiership last month. The far-right started unrest across the country after a wave of misinformation spread online about three girls who were killed in Southport’

I watched “highlights” of this ‘interview” and it was really a competition as to who could say “far right” the most! That, of course, is the point. They are seeking to re-categorise every patriot as “far right” and “extreme right” so they can advance hard left policies under this umbrella of distraction.

They are also determined to establish a myth that the PROTESTS that took place after the slaughter of the three young girls in Southport were driven by “the far right” This is wrong. The PROTESTS were driven by national outrage at the failure of those in power to protect our children. The PROTESTS were driven by local people sick of seeing endless unwanted migration into their communities. The PROTESTS were driven by a sense of frustration. Yes, violence did happen at some protests with some people but the majority were simply seeking to express their horror at three little girls being stabbed to death by a second generation Rwandan, the son of two migrants. This is the inconvenient truth that Starmer seeks to erase.

Starmer insists that a/ All the protests were riots and b/ There was no justification for community anger. So he (and the media) conjure up the spectre of the “far right” and this will be the justification for the continued persecution of all British patriots who oppose the globalist hegemony. The media parrot it and repetition establishes the lie.

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