Stabbed Priest is memory holed.


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

It is an observable fact that each time a migrant related stabbing takes places the establishment rushes into place a plan that is to mute such connections and eventually remove them from the public consciousness. Consider the stabbing of the Irish priest Father Paul Murphy. You may recall the details;

Terrorism is a line of inquiry after an army chaplain was stabbed in Ireland, police have confirmed. A teenage boy was arrested after Thursday night’s attack outside Renmore barracks in Co Galway.

Father Paul F Murphy said he was “doing okay” in a message on social media. “Friends, thank you for your prayers, love, and concern,” he wrote. “Sorry that I can’t reply to all messages and take all the calls coming my way. I’m doing okay; just awaiting surgery. All will be well.”

Now you MIGHT have thought that a priest being so viciously attacked and almost killed (resulting in the Irish Army firing shots in anger on Irish soil for the first time in its 102 years history) would have prompted discussion on Islamic radicalisation in the Irish media. But you would be wrong. The Irish media reported on it, for sure, and yes they DID mention the Islamic link which is more than The BBC did when they issued an even more vanilla version of the story. But there is no more discussion of the stabbing and we can but speculate on who did the radicalisation, how it was done, why the young man wanted to then kill the priest, and why did events in distant Mali result a stabbing in Galway? No media interest in any of this.

Across the West, there is a clear plan in place to stop people realising the violent threat a section of Islam constitutes to our people. Why? Is it because they fear what might happen should enough people conclude that they do not want this threat present? I wonder whose well-being is of the most concern to the Establishment – their indigenous citizens or radical Islamists? And why would Government’s seek to cover up inconvenient truth?

If we consider the Southport massacre of young girls, we find similar sanitisation. We don’t KNOW why Axel Rudakubana targeted those young girls. Had he chosen a different path to that of his allegedly Christian parents? What motivated him? No answers available, sorry. Bury your dead and move along.

This process of dampening down the impact of acts of terror and then turning the outcome into a weapon that the State can use against its own people to further subdue them is an abomination!

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