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You cannot have missed the surge in stories concerning unidentified “drone” objects making headlines across the USA.
These “drones” of indeterminate origin have been buzzing places like New Jersey over the last month, prompting a mixed bag of responses from lawmakers. The state’s governor has insisted the drones are safe, while a Congressman believes they’re the vanguard of an Iranian “mothership”. (lol) Homeland security officials and regional lawmakers met to discuss the sightings further.
Dozens of mysterious nighttime flights started last month and have raised growing concern among residents and officials. Part of the worry stems from the flying objects initially being spotted near the Picatinny Arsenal, a US military research and manufacturing facility, and over president-elect Donald Trump’s golf course in Bedminster. Drones are legal in New Jersey for recreational and commercial use, but they are subject to local and Federal Aviation Administration regulations and flight restrictions. Operators must also be FAA certified. Donald Trump weighed in on Friday, calling on the airborne objects to be shot down.
So what ARE we seeing in the skies? Are these seemingly unidentified objects of terrestrial origin and if so, who is behind them? Is this the US military? Might it be a foreign power such as Russia or China? Could it be of extra-terrestrial origin? And isn’t the timing interesting – just before the Trump ascendancy to the Presidency in January?
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