A Titanic Fraud…

Not far from where I live is the very wonderful Titanic Exhibition Centre, built in the very shipyard – Harland and Wolf – that built the Titanic. There is just one slight problem here – the Titanic story as commonly understood is a massive fraud.

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Royal Chemo

One of the great curiosities of the Cancer diagnosis given King Charles and Princess Catherine is how seemingly mild the consequences of harsh Chemo treatment has been on both of them. I wonder why this is so? Just consider Chemotherapy; Some types of chemotherapy may cause

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Drag Queen Story Hour…

Isn’t it strange that Drag Queens seem focused on reading stories to our children? I wonder what might motivate such interest? Anyone daring to raise questions about this obscenity as immediately attacked as “transphobic” and any reasonable debate stifled but it is worth observing that these Drag Queens seem less keen to read to groups of our elderly citizens. I will leave you to draw the obvious conclusion.

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