Send Donald Trump to Jail

We all can see that the trial taking place in New York City of Donald Trump is a show trial, carefully implemented by viciously partisan Democrats, using a biased Judge and a biased D.A. Their plan is obvious from day one – distract Trump and punish Trump.

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Nurse gone rogue!

Yesterday Pat Cullen announced her resignation as General Secretary and Chief Executive of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) to seek election as a Member of Parliament (MP) for the Irish republican party Sinn Féin in the Fermanagh and South Tyrone c…

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A fist in the face or a kick in the…

As the UK General Election picks up pace and each day we are inundated by political stunts and fake promises, I thought I would share my own analysis of what is going on! To me, there is only a Uniparty. We call it Conservative/Labour under the pretence of choice. But what IS the actual choice? It seems to me that the Blue end of the Uniparty (Conservatives) wants to punch you in the face whereas the Red end of the Uniparty wants to punch you in the face and follow up with a kick to the b*lls! In order words, we are going to suffer if we engage with these parties but we are going to suffer if we don’t!

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Princess Kate is BACK – or is she?

I noticed that the Daily Mail ran this as their lead news story this morning! OK, so it’s just the usual pro-Kensington Palace spin machine being deliberately spread across the world, but there is ONE interesting new claim in it…. Although there has been no official update on her health since, The Mail understands that

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