Maasai Perspectives!

Meet the new Mayor of Londonderry, Councillor Lilian Seenoi. She is standing second on the Left and was installed as Mayor of that city last night. She was not elected by any citizen of the City actually voting for her and with good reason. She was placed in office by a coalition of Irish Nationalists. She postures as a “refugee” who sought sanctuary in the UK and somehow ended up in Londonderry. I find this hard to believe. She also seems disinterested in the fact that Londonderry is a BRITISH city. That’s a little odd. She is on record as saying that “Black people built Ireland” which is a truly remarkable claim that only a moron would make!

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Summer in the City!

I wanted to make you all aware of a very special evening that is happening on July 26th and I have the pleasure of hosting it! I am delighted to have Joey Barton and Laurence Fox on stage with me for a night of lively chat, free speech and top banter! Both these gentlemen are courageous independent minded voices and have the scars to prove it. Joey has been prominent in the Sports field kicking back (pun intended) agains the narrative. But he has a good grasp of many other issues and has not been slow in holding back. I love that.

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