Our Government is leading an insurrection against us!



​  David Vance SubstackRead More

It is getting clearer by the day how exactly the new Labour Government is intending to deal with mass illegal migration. It is going to facilitate it.

Basically, anyone who has come here illegally and broken our laws in the process will be allowed to stay, starting with these 60,000. This sends a signal to all of these unwanted law breakers that once they get on British soil, they will be staying here and so enjoying all the benefits of being in Britain.

The cost to the tax-payer of allowing these 60,000 illegals to stay here is enormous but that’s of little concern to a Government which clearly despises its own citizens. We have no idea as to the background of these 60,000 law breakers and can but hope they harbour no ill-intent towards us. If some of them have inherent violent tendencies, well, we will just have to cope with that.

This was always going to be the Labour policy – allow as many migrants into the UK as possible whist posturing to the contrary. Sir KeriStarmer talked about “smashing” the criminal gangs who being these illegals into the country BUT the only thing he is smashing is our reputation as a Country that upholds the rule of law. If you arrive here by dinghy, you are IN regardless of the breaking of law.

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