Nasal Jabs


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

It was in 2018 when I did a very stupid thing. I had been to the GP for an annual health check (back then I thought that was a good idea, I don’t anymore) and it just happened to coincide with the start of the Flu “vaccine” roll out. He suggested I may as well have one as I was sitting in front for him and to my subsequent regret, I complied. A week later, I was in bed with the “flu” and had never felt as bad. I never took another Flu jab after that and realise now that I had in fact been de facto poisoned by the chemical junk they injected into my arm. However the sheer destructive power of that Flu jab did level me, a reasonably fit adult, which makes me think what it would do to a young child.

Well, the NHS has news to share…

“Over 1 million parents and carers of 2 and 3-year-olds will be urged to book their children in for a flu vaccine from next week, as the NHS ramps up its preparations for winter. The NHS is sending invitations to the group from Tuesday (17 September), after the jab offer for pregnant women and school children kicked off earlier this month (1 September).

Don’t you just love the way they sell it to you as “an invitation”? The NHS goes on to spin a little more

It’s important that those eligible come forward when they can to top up their protection ahead of winter, as immunity wanes over time and viruses change and adapt each year. (Spoiler – none of this is true)

The flu vaccination campaign launched on 1 September, with appointments running across autumn and winter, provides vital protection to prevent people from developing serious illnesses and ending up in hospital during the busy winter months.

The flu vaccine is usually given to children as a quick and painless spray up the nose – without the need for an injection – unless your child cannot have porcine gelatine in medical products, in which case an injected flu vaccine is available as an alternative.

Got that, so they spray it up the nose of these little kids and assure you that all will be well. BUT the very fact the dangerous cocktail that constitutes this alleged “vaccine” is delivered into the nasal cavity surely makes it MORE dangerous as it is so much closer to the brain? Maybe that is the plan?

Just how dangerous is this nasal spray and why is it even given to ANYBODY, let alone small defenceless children other than boosting profits of all involved.

Personally, I don’t believe that there is any such thing as FLU, it’s just another Big Pharma phantasm conjured up to herd people into taking the ever so profitable Jabs. It is no coincidence that the prevalence of “Flu” dramatically increases eight weeks AFTER the Flu jabs are rolled out. Almost as if….

The targeting of young children by Big Pharma is an abomination. In this post Covid world no one should be under any illusions about the true motives of all involved.

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