My visit to Prison in defence of Free Speech!



​  David Vance SubstackRead More

So anyway, I was behind bars on Friday night! Well, to be more specific, I attended a Free Speech Union event held in the Crumlin Road Prison Visitor Centre, Belfast. It was all very enjoyable and good to be amongst like-minded souls. There was a decent turn out and there was also a bar!

The speakers included Toby Young, Baroness Hoey and Ruth Dudley Edwards. It was interesting to hear their concerns and so many of the stem from the advent of this authoritarian Starmer Labour regime which seems determined to not just undermine but penalise free speech.

I think there is a wide held recognition that Labour is coming for our Free Speech and that it will use political power to censor us and indeed to possibly imprison us if necessary. The speed at which this threat has emerged has even surprised Toby Young and there has been a corresponding surge in FSU membership which I think is a good thing as there is strength is our unity. I would encourage anyone reading this to consider becoming a Member as the next few years are going to be perilous and wherever you are and whatever you do you may find your Free Speech being challenged.

Topics discussed included the Government seeking to introduce the criminalisation of “Islamophobia”, as well as Government seeking to elevate the Trans agenda my making it both “protected” but also training the Police to clamp down on any gender critical advocates for their heresy.

Without the ability to speak freely, we move into a tyrannical regime.

I think that’s the aim.

Together, we stand some chance of withstanding the worst excesses of what lies in store.

On a positive note, this is what has just happened in Ireland.

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