Mainstream media zaps your Mojo!

Just how fundamentally unhealthy is it for you to consumer mainstream media? I am talking about TV, Radio and Press primarily and it seems to me that ANY consumption of their output is not going to be good for you! We need Net Zero mainstream media as an objective!

The power and influence these platform still retain is enormous and Government used that to great effect in 2020. The reality is that many “normies” still stay glued to their TV/Radio/Papers and absorb all the poison that they exude daily. I don’t know about you but I find myself incapable of listening or watching or even reading much of their content as it is dispiriting, predictable and always pushing whatever the narrative should be! So I weaken myself if I let it into my mind. The best defence is simple to lock it out, ignore it, and if you do have exposure to it, jump back onto substack or some social media platform where you will get more balance.

I didn’t always think like this. I used to think that the media was simply institutionally biased (to the left) but those views have matured in me to the point where I think the media is actively harmful and contains demonic aspects. It pushes the moral degeneracy of the Trans movement, it despises Christianity but likes Islam, it loves every undemocratic supranational entity in existence and in some ways, it performs as Satan’s bullhorn. Is everyone working in media evil? No. I know some people in the lower echelons of media who just do a job, often for relatively little money. But can you rise to the top positions and yet not be part of the Beast system? I doubt it.

Those smiling faces, those avuncular accents – they are lures designed to reel us in. It’s said when you can fake sincerity, you’ve got it made. Well, the media learned how to fake sincerity a very long time ago. We saw the real face of the mainstream media revealed to us during Covid as it went full virus-manic and instilled the fear into the population that the Government then fully exploited. That was beyond just incompetent journalism – that was sheer wicked. Sadly, too many people tuned in at that time and those were the people who became most brain-washed, most fearful!

The healthier lifestyle is to be avoid the negative vibrations from the Mainstream media. The way you can stay positive and energetic!

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​  David Vance SubstackRead More

Just how fundamentally unhealthy is it for you to consumer mainstream media? I am talking about TV, Radio and Press primarily and it seems to me that ANY consumption of their output is not going to be good for you! We need Net Zero mainstream media as an objective!

The power and influence these platform still retain is enormous and Government used that to great effect in 2020. The reality is that many “normies” still stay glued to their TV/Radio/Papers and absorb all the poison that they exude daily. I don’t know about you but I find myself incapable of listening or watching or even reading much of their content as it is dispiriting, predictable and always pushing whatever the narrative should be! So I weaken myself if I let it into my mind. The best defence is simple to lock it out, ignore it, and if you do have exposure to it, jump back onto substack or some social media platform where you will get more balance.

I didn’t always think like this. I used to think that the media was simply institutionally biased (to the left) but those views have matured in me to the point where I think the media is actively harmful and contains demonic aspects. It pushes the moral degeneracy of the Trans movement, it despises Christianity but likes Islam, it loves every undemocratic supranational entity in existence and in some ways, it performs as Satan’s bullhorn. Is everyone working in media evil? No. I know some people in the lower echelons of media who just do a job, often for relatively little money. But can you rise to the top positions and yet not be part of the Beast system? I doubt it.

Those smiling faces, those avuncular accents – they are lures designed to reel us in. It’s said when you can fake sincerity, you’ve got it made. Well, the media learned how to fake sincerity a very long time ago. We saw the real face of the mainstream media revealed to us during Covid as it went full virus-manic and instilled the fear into the population that the Government then fully exploited. That was beyond just incompetent journalism – that was sheer wicked. Sadly, too many people tuned in at that time and those were the people who became most brain-washed, most fearful!

The healthier lifestyle is to be avoid the negative vibrations from the Mainstream media. The way you can stay positive and energetic!

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​David Vance Substack

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