Let Them Eat Sh*t!

My, my, it’s certainly been an eventful summer so far for those who like to wade in up to their ear lobes in multiculturalism and diversity. First off, we had a Colombian national leaving dismembered body parts in two suitcases on Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol. It turns out he’d travelled from London with remains of two of his neighbours that he’d killed. Apparently, there is a concentrated Colombian community in the capital up around the Elephant and Castle (and why not? There’s every other bloody community in that metropolis!!). Then we were treated to the sight of Roma gypsies rioting in Leeds and Bangladeshi riots in east London. If that wasn’t enough to get the juices flowing of the multiculti-loving weirdos, a British soldier in full uniform was stabbed outside an Army barracks in Kent by a man the authorities have yet to confirm whether he had been radicalised or not (the silence is deafening). With the multicultural river of loveliness still in full flow, a female police officer had her nose broken in three places by a group of Muslim men at Manchester Airport. Gracious, it must have been a real effort for those guys to take instructions from a woman. Half of that lot seem to think a female’s place is four feet behind her husband and dressed head-to-toe in bedsheets! Finally, we had three innocent girls with their whole lives ahead of them mutilated and killed in Southport less than a week ago by a man of Rwandan extraction.

What have each and every incident got in common? They all stem from one common and deadly social experiment: The mass importation of backward cultures from backward countries into the United Kingdom, and then allowing those retrogressive actions and attitudes to be passed down to UK-born descendants because we’ve had politicians too damn spineless to stand up and counter them. It doesn’t matter whether or not those people came here legally or illegally. What matters is that we now experience types of criminality almost unheard of a couple of generations ago because our own nation, our neighbours in the Irish Republic, and several countries in mainland Europe have been atomised by a scale of demographic change those of us who value our own identities and national pride view as nothing short of a deliberate act of treachery. A treachery created a malevolent partnership of businesses keen to import large-scale immigrant labour as a means of keeping wages down, and governments besotted by the idea of rubbing the broad mass of the population in as much unpalatable diversity as is humanly possible.

In the UK, a party with the smallest vote support (21% of the entire electorate) in history has won a landslide and committed itself to more identity politics and even more immigration! The reason the likes of Starmer and many in the mainstream media portray the anti-immigration protests and the other protests/issues in different and contrasting ways is that they see the latter as mere inconvenient happenstances on the long road to render the UK socially and culturally unrecognisable. In the former, they see enemies: Actual potential impediments to their grand scheme…and they don’t like it. That’s not to say I agree with violent protests and attacking police and businesses. I most certainly DO NOT – from whatever quarter that violence emanates. But I’ll put my head above the proverbial parapet here and state with full conviction that even had every single anti-immigration protest passed off as peacefully as a large gathering of monastic novitiates at a Catholic seminary, Starmer and Cooper, the BBC, Sky News, many at LBC, Channel 4 and the rest of the disreputables who pass themselves off as our society’s positive media influencers would still have labelled them ‘far-Right’. Because throwing that term around like dinner plates at a Greek wedding reception means they can shut off their eyes and ears to the deep sense of legitimate fear and unease that underpins these latest huge disturbances (https://www.newstatesman.com/comment/2024/04/biggest-threat-freedom-west-liberalism-itself-john-gray). It also gives this appalling government carte blanche to massively expand the power of the state through large-scale surveillance. For if it’s one thing Lefties love, it’s state control.

Lee Anderson, Reform’s Ashfield MP, said Starmer’s generalissimo (my term) and divisive response to the rioting meant he had ‘misread the room’. I disagree! I don’t think Starmer misunderstands the causes behind this weekend’s violence. I just believe he doesn’t give one toss about the worries a broad section of the British people have when we see our country slowly slipping away from us. His approach was straight out of the Marie Antoinette playbook; “Let them eat cake”. Or, in Starmer’s case, “Let them eat sh*t”. Well, ‘Two-tier Keir’, we’ve been ingesting the political and media dung for a long time now and we’re, frankly, sick of doing so. We won’t take lectures on the correct response to violence from a man whose default reaction to the violence of Black Lives Matter on our streets was to pose kneeling down in solidarity in his office. We also won’t take lessons on the ‘misinformation on social media’ from a media class who passed off Greta Thunberg as a climate expert, George Floyd as a saintly community hero, Volodymyr Zelenskyy as beyond moral reproach, Caitlyn Jenner as a woman, and Joe Biden as compos mentis.

I honestly hope the violence associated with these protests stops and stops now. But I hope, and believe, the reaction to the issues underpinning them will persist and grow. For we now live in a country where, thanks to ‘Robber Reeves’, many old couples who were born and worked all their lives in and for this country will sit freezing in their winter flats, whilst Rachid and Omari – fresh off the dinghy in Folkestone – will enjoy warm hotel rooms and three-squares a day. We live in a country where certain minorities who don’t want to integrate think they call all the shots. Thankfully, they don’t. And these riots – regrettable as they are – will be seen by historians as the first corrective steps to the principle that governments obey the wishes of their people, not the other way around.

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