Ireland’s rapid descent into hell continues


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

The Irish Government continues to hurtle towards levels of hell that Dante could have imagined. Let’s take the sensitive issue of surrogacy.

The Assisted Human Reproduction (AHR) Bill, which will establish a legal framework for both domestic and international surrogacy in the State, has passed all stages in the Oireachtas.  The Bill will see Ireland legislate for both domestic and international surrogacy. The legislation further regulates a range of practices, including gamete and embryo donation for assisted human reproduction and research, embryo and stem cell research, preimplantation genetic testing of embryos, and posthumous assisted human reproduction. 

This is EXTREME surrogacy and it is worth looking at some of the attempted constraints on it that were rejected.

REJECTED – “No one who was convicted of a child sexual offence either in or outside the State shall be allowed to participate in or avail of surrogacy services”.

So child sex offenders from all around the world can use Irish surrogacy services. See any problems there?

REJECTED – “shall be required to meet all of the same requirements and standards as a person wishing to adopt a child”.

So surrogate parents can be held to a LOWER standard than those seeking to simply adopt.

Ireland has become a moral sewer in the space of 20 years.

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