I’m a man on a mission in 2 or 3 editions!



​  David Vance SubstackRead More

My first Substack was published on the 29th January of this year and was called “Everyday I write the book” which is the title of a catchy song that I like by Elvis Costello. This one is my 500th Substack article since then and I am borrowing another line from that same song to headline this one. I guess 500 substacks in nine months is not a bad output and I hope you have enjoyed the journey here thus far.

You see I am indeed a man on a mission and the purpose of that mission is to use this platform as best as I can to get information out there and to challenge the narrative. I genuinely do instinctively question much of what passes for “news” and delight in asking questions about it, contradicting it and exposing it. I hope you enjoy that process too!

I am equally prolific on my Podcast Channel here and my main social media platform here!

If you ever wonder, how do I do it all? – the answer is with great passion and great difficulty! When it comes to the written word here it is supremely influenced by my mood. I am mostly upbeat and so that’s when you get all the spicy content. It all just flows out of me and it’s just a matter of how quickly I can capture the million thoughts. But I also have my down moments and that’s when I find it difficult to write, that’s when a barrier comes down and I sit silently. I usually snap out of these moments fairly quickly though.

I have been writing since I was very young. I can recall my parents buying me an old bottle green typewriter and the thing I love most about the written word is how powerful and moving well chosen word or phrase can be! Yes, I really do love words and all that they can convey. I can lie in bed at nights and think of the topic for a new article and wake up excited that you might also enjoy it.

In the past nine months, some of you have subscribed to my channel and even more importantly, some become paid subscribers. I really appreciate that because the modest £5 a month helps offset my costs and enables me to do even more stuff.

If you are one of the hundreds who read this everyday can I ask you to take a moment right now, go the extra yards, and become a paid subscriber?

It makes all the difference to me if you will.

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