Gestapo Policing


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

I wanted to talk about the style of policing deployed against those gathered at the gates of Downing Street in London last night. The people who gathered to protest the killing of three young children in Southport were of all ages and several of them were known personally to me. These were good, caring, kind people. They were upset about not JUST the Southport massacre of innocents but the many the many other recent stabbings carried out by (mostly) migrants. These are all legitimate and viable concerns and a caring Government would want to listen and reassure them. But that is not what has been installed in Parliament.

As the crowd of patriots gathered, the Police seemed to be wanting trouble. Almost as if they sought to provoke it, They were aggressive and provocative. I know disabled pensioners who were present and they were treated with disdain and harassed by these Police officers. As the night wore on, the Police started to “kettle” the protestors and then came the Police violence captured on film and then the mass arrests – over 100! Little mercy was shown to anyone in the way of the Police and even the Cenotaph was not sanctuary from the paramilitary style policing.

We cannot continue like this. Policing only works by consent. At this point, that consent is missing. Policing is an important function of any society and the rule of law of fundamental importance but at this point, it is all broken.


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