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Freshers week and the Orgy stand!


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

I can just about remember what it was like to be 18 and going up to University. There was always a Freshers Week where newly arrived students could join in with various University activities, sign up to all sorts of Clubs and Groups. I can recall signing up to the Economics Society and the Geography Club. Yes, it was a long time ago but I sure as hell never experienced an offer like this!

The woman in this video is called Bonnie Blue. She is one of a new breed of Only Fans/Porn actresses, more recently exemplified by Lily Phillips who chose to have sex with 100 men in one night. (Lily is now aiming to make it 1000 men in one night, astoundingly) These people make large amounts of money by creating these orgies and them monetarising them via their on-line media platforms. She claims to make £600,000 per month. So they get fabulously wealthy and in(famous) on the back of it. And they spend quite a bit of time on their backs.

Here is how she defends her actions.

I have to say that I view her as a type of sexual predator and she makes it clear in the first video that she wants to have sex with 130 “barely legal” students in two weeks and as often as possible. It is so cringe, so demeaning and yet I suspect there will be no shortage of 1st year male students seduced by the offer of free sex with this attractive looking morally degenerate blonde woman. Can the University act to stop this? I doubt it as no money is being exchanged and everyone concerned is above the age of consent. I can’t see any law is being broken!

Yet it is wrong, profoundly wrong. She absolutely demeans herself and I would have thought she is psychologically damaging herself in the process. This may not be that apparent at this stage but time will tell the tale.

They “barely legal” young men that she has sex with also demean themselves by essentially using an on-line prostitute.

She profits by selling sex and so whilst she is using the most modern digital technology it is still the oldest profession.

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