Farage triggers the Left by telling the truth

There’s no doubt about that those on the political left of the spectrum cannot stand it when they are exposed to real truth! Their predictable and tedious response is to whine and cry and then demonise the person who has told them that truth. This happened to Nigel Farage yesterday when he gave an interview to the former head of the Commission for Racial Equality (sighs) and now Sky TV host Trevor Philips and it has caused an almighty outcry.

First of all, let’s just read together what Farage actually said!

Farage: we have a growing number of young people in this country who do not subscribe to British values. In fact, loathe much of what we stand for.

Philips: Who are we talking about there?

Nigel Farage: Oh, I think we see them on the streets of London every Saturday

Phillips: Are we talking about Muslims here?

Farage: We are. And I’m afraid I found some of the recent surveys saying that 46% of British Muslims support Hamas, a terrorist organisation that is described in this country. And this prime minister, is building far more of that population than anybody before in history.

Phillips: Are you sure you want to make the blanket accusation that you’ve just made, that Muslims are somehow less patriotic than other British people?

Farage: We have never before seen anything like this. You think about West Indian immigration into Britain, the post-World War. There were a lot of shared things shared history, shared culture, shared religion. In many cases, most families that came could say one of their family had served with British forces in World War One. World War two. Love of cricket. You know, the list goes on. But there were commonalities and, you know, as you know, with your previous job, the key to immigration is integration. If you get integration it works.

Phillips: I’m going to stop you there and I’m going to say two things. First of all, you’re right. I come from that stock. But let us remember that my stock, my ancestors for the best part of 7 or 800 years were Muslims until they were forcibly converted to Christians by slave owners. So when you talk about Muslims as hostile to British values, no, I don’t really see how you arrive at that conclusion. And secondly, trying to say to me, you know, actually, you guys are not really like these other guys. Can you imagine how offensive that is to British Muslims, can you imagine? Let me ask you to put yourself in the shoes of a British Muslim. Can you imagine how offensive that feels?

We will deal with Trevor Philips in a minute but for starters, Nigel is late to the Party. Some of us have been talking about the dangers posed to our National well-being by Islam for a very long time and have been called all sorts of name for doing so.

Consider these facts, if you will.

Around a third of UK Muslims aged 16-24 believe apostates (ex-Muslims) should be put to death The majority of UK Muslims believe homosexuality should be illegal. In the rest of the population it’s only 5%. 81% of UK Muslims say they are Muslim first and British second. This is far higher than in France (46%) or Germany (66%). 52% believe it should be illegal to show an image of Mohammed 32% want Shariah Law in the UK. More Muslims joined ISIS than the British Army.

Does that sound like a well integrated demographic to you?

Against that sort of background, it’s very disingenuous of Trevor Philips to assert that British Muslims are the people being offended. No, a significant number of them offend me for all the reasons outlined!

I also think Philips bringing slavery into the debate is bizarre given that slavery continues in the MUSLIM world! Bit of an own-goal there, Trevor. Furthermore, forced conversion to Christianity was a good thing many may argue.

But back to what Farage actually said. He made the core point that there is significant % of the muslim population in the UK which appears to loath the society in which it finds itself. We can debate the actual % all day long, a blind ally into which Trevor Phillips tried to divert the discussion, but it is way too high as it stands and getting worse. Nigel Farage did NOT claim ALLMuslims were the problem, just a substantial number. That was too much for Philips to accept. Tough.

Farage tries to get Philips on side by talking about the wonders of the West Indian population living in the UK. Philips himself is of Guyana heritage. But I am not sure that West Indians coming to the UK post WW2 was a great idea either. I can’t be the only sick of the “Windrush Generation” victimhood narrative?

The UK faces an existential problem manifest in a fast growing Muslim population. That’s the straight truth. This demographic tends not to integrate, appears very hostile to the British society that hosts it, and seems to want to see the UK convert to Sharia. We simply cannot accept that and so whilst Farage is damned by all the usual suspects, he is undoubtedly correct in his assessment.

Finally, let me offer you this quote and see if you can guess who said it?

“Rome may not yet be in flames, but I think I can smell the smouldering whilst we hum to the music of liberal self-delusion

The answer – Trevor Philips. In 2016 he could see the danger of mass immigration.

What changed, Trevor?

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​  David Vance SubstackRead More

There’s no doubt about that those on the political left of the spectrum cannot stand it when they are exposed to real truth! Their predictable and tedious response is to whine and cry and then demonise the person who has told them that truth. This happened to Nigel Farage yesterday when he gave an interview to the former head of the Commission for Racial Equality (sighs) and now Sky TV host Trevor Philips and it has caused an almighty outcry.

First of all, let’s just read together what Farage actually said!

Farage: we have a growing number of young people in this country who do not subscribe to British values. In fact, loathe much of what we stand for.

Philips: Who are we talking about there?

Nigel Farage: Oh, I think we see them on the streets of London every Saturday

Phillips: Are we talking about Muslims here?

Farage: We are. And I’m afraid I found some of the recent surveys saying that 46% of British Muslims support Hamas, a terrorist organisation that is described in this country. And this prime minister, is building far more of that population than anybody before in history.

Phillips: Are you sure you want to make the blanket accusation that you’ve just made, that Muslims are somehow less patriotic than other British people?

Farage: We have never before seen anything like this. You think about West Indian immigration into Britain, the post-World War. There were a lot of shared things shared history, shared culture, shared religion. In many cases, most families that came could say one of their family had served with British forces in World War One. World War two. Love of cricket. You know, the list goes on. But there were commonalities and, you know, as you know, with your previous job, the key to immigration is integration. If you get integration it works.

Phillips: I’m going to stop you there and I’m going to say two things. First of all, you’re right. I come from that stock. But let us remember that my stock, my ancestors for the best part of 7 or 800 years were Muslims until they were forcibly converted to Christians by slave owners. So when you talk about Muslims as hostile to British values, no, I don’t really see how you arrive at that conclusion. And secondly, trying to say to me, you know, actually, you guys are not really like these other guys. Can you imagine how offensive that is to British Muslims, can you imagine? Let me ask you to put yourself in the shoes of a British Muslim. Can you imagine how offensive that feels?

We will deal with Trevor Philips in a minute but for starters, Nigel is late to the Party. Some of us have been talking about the dangers posed to our National well-being by Islam for a very long time and have been called all sorts of name for doing so.

Consider these facts, if you will.

Around a third of UK Muslims aged 16-24 believe apostates (ex-Muslims) should be put to death The majority of UK Muslims believe homosexuality should be illegal. In the rest of the population it’s only 5%. 81% of UK Muslims say they are Muslim first and British second. This is far higher than in France (46%) or Germany (66%). 52% believe it should be illegal to show an image of Mohammed 32% want Shariah Law in the UK. More Muslims joined ISIS than the British Army.

Does that sound like a well integrated demographic to you?

Against that sort of background, it’s very disingenuous of Trevor Philips to assert that British Muslims are the people being offended. No, a significant number of them offend me for all the reasons outlined!

I also think Philips bringing slavery into the debate is bizarre given that slavery continues in the MUSLIM world! Bit of an own-goal there, Trevor. Furthermore, forced conversion to Christianity was a good thing many may argue.

But back to what Farage actually said. He made the core point that there is significant % of the muslim population in the UK which appears to loath the society in which it finds itself. We can debate the actual % all day long, a blind ally into which Trevor Phillips tried to divert the discussion, but it is way too high as it stands and getting worse. Nigel Farage did NOT claim ALLMuslims were the problem, just a substantial number. That was too much for Philips to accept. Tough.

Farage tries to get Philips on side by talking about the wonders of the West Indian population living in the UK. Philips himself is of Guyana heritage. But I am not sure that West Indians coming to the UK post WW2 was a great idea either. I can’t be the only sick of the “Windrush Generation” victimhood narrative?

The UK faces an existential problem manifest in a fast growing Muslim population. That’s the straight truth. This demographic tends not to integrate, appears very hostile to the British society that hosts it, and seems to want to see the UK convert to Sharia. We simply cannot accept that and so whilst Farage is damned by all the usual suspects, he is undoubtedly correct in his assessment.

Finally, let me offer you this quote and see if you can guess who said it?

“Rome may not yet be in flames, but I think I can smell the smouldering whilst we hum to the music of liberal self-delusion

The answer – Trevor Philips. In 2016 he could see the danger of mass immigration.

What changed, Trevor?

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​David Vance Substack

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