David Vance SubstackRead More
You would need a heart of stone not to laugh at the fake outrage from the left over President Trump’s demand that Ukraine ..erm…holds an Election. Their hypocrisy is totally exposed by this entirely logical requirement and it shows that their cries of “We MUST defend democracy” do not extend to “’Let’s have an Election”!
Now there’s a simple explanation of this – they know that in any free and fair election, Zelensky would lose. He has spend the last three years sacrificing an entire generation of young Ukrainian men in a pointless conflict and for what? This is the dark heart of the entire conflict, the “West” is NOT “defending democracy” but rather we are obscuring a convenient tyranny and an election will uncover that thus detonating the narrative.
Zelensky has been a pysop from Day One. Everything about him has been curated and fake. He is not a “glorious” wartime leader but rather a narcissistic clown and I bet that the Ukrainian families decimated by his hubris and folly will pass judgement decisively. By calling for an Election, Donald Trump is essentially bringing the curtain down on Zelensky. It can’t come a day too soon for Ukraine!
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