Are Demons real?


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

I love it when my loyal readers leave comments that trigger me and so it was that I have come to consider – are Demons real?

Let’s start at the beginning!

The Bible tells us that demons are fallen angels who joined Satan in his rebellion against God and who were defeated and cast out of heaven along with Satan (Revelation 12:7-9) The Bible goes on to explain that Demons continue to serve the devil in his attempt to lead the world away from God and into sin. Jesus will ultimately banish Satan and his demons into the eternal fire.

And it’s not just the Christian tradition that talks about Demons. Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Zoroastrianism also talk of Demons. So the presence of Demons has been universally acknowledged in at least some way in many of the great Faiths. But does that mean that they actually EXIST?

The first thing people will understandably ask for is physical proof that demons exist and haunt this Earth. Has anyone captured an alleged Demon? The answer is “no” but that falls into the same classification as “has anyone physical proof God Exists’? I think we look across history it is all too obvious that demons are very real and that they can possess humans which in turn explains the unbelievable evil and cruelty some people carry out. If we take it right up to date, when you look at Tony Blair, what is it that you see? If we look at Dr Fauci, what do we see? Yes, of course they are humans but is there another layer to them and their impulses?

Back to the Bible, where we learn that demons enter into people and control them (Matthew 8:28-34).  They fall under the power of Satan (Beelzebub), the chief of all evil spirits (Matthew 12:24).  If the Bible is right then that is the end of the debate, demons are very real and they can find ways to possess some people. Exorcism itself is predicated on this central premise and it has been practised for a very long time. Whether Priests have the power to cast demons out of people I have no idea but it also says in the Bible that these demons also know who  Jesus was.  They know why He had come into the world (Luke 4:41).  They believe in God (James 2:19). They fear the Judgment and eternal punishment (Matthew 8:29). So they are not stupid entities, just evil.

It seems to me that any of us could be targets for demons which is why I think a strong person faith is the best defence. All kinds of vulnerable people could be possessed but also all kinds of narcissistic power hungry godless individuals. Have you ever met anyone who you thought might be demonic? I have. I remember meeting IRA leader Gerry Adams and looking into his eyes and you know what they say about the eyes being the window to the soul – well, his soul is in hell. The sulphur smell was palpable.

I’d be intrigued by your thoughts on this!

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