Pooping all over the world!

Well then, he came, he saw but did he poop? Yes, I am talking about the very strange behaviour of US President Joe Biden at the D-Day 80th anniversary today

What’s wrong with Biden? Did he think there was an invisible chair there? Why was he rapidly shuffled off-stage by “Dr” Jill? Was this a repeat of *that* Vatican incident? This man is clearly very unwell and it looks more and more that they cannot hide this.

By way of contrast, here is how Donald Trump addressed the 75th Anniversary of D-Day.

One brings Pride to America, one brings absolute humiliation.

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​  David Vance SubstackRead More

Well then, he came, he saw but did he poop? Yes, I am talking about the very strange behaviour of US President Joe Biden at the D-Day 80th anniversary today

What’s wrong with Biden? Did he think there was an invisible chair there? Why was he rapidly shuffled off-stage by “Dr” Jill? Was this a repeat of *that* Vatican incident? This man is clearly very unwell and it looks more and more that they cannot hide this.

By way of contrast, here is how Donald Trump addressed the 75th Anniversary of D-Day.

One brings Pride to America, one brings absolute humiliation.

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​David Vance Substack

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