Could the UK face martial law under Labour?

Did you see that the Labour Party has said that it will have a 100-day “security sprint” if elected on 4 July?

The review would bring together MI5, the police, and civil service to identify emerging threats

What are these “emerging threats” that so concern Starmer and his mob?

Well, I fear that could mean you and me!

He says that he is going to use MI5, the Police and the Civil Service to tell him where threats are to be found and it should be obvious to anyone reading this that each of these organisations is hostile to freedom, to patriots and to a sovereign British State.

The Civil Service is particularly malignant, it is in essence the Deep State. It never gets elected yet it wields enormous and perpetual power. It feigns as being there to serve us but in fact it wants to control us. It has been to the fore in OPPOSING any attempt to control migration, it has been HOSTILE to the realisation of Brexit and it continues to play to the globalist narrative as we saw during COVID tyranny times. The same can be said of the Police who have shown themselves in their true colours these past years when they enforced the removal of of freedoms during Lockdowns. These days they patrol social media to find hurty tweets rather than actually try to solves real crime. Who do YOU think the Police would name as “threats”? Finally we get to MI5 and here again, as has been apparent of decades, can anyone assert this organisation is capable of doing good? The Three letter agencies are just another cold dead hand of authoritarianism.

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​  David Vance SubstackRead More

Did you see that the Labour Party has said that it will have a 100-day “security sprint” if elected on 4 July?

The review would bring together MI5, the police, and civil service to identify emerging threats

What are these “emerging threats” that so concern Starmer and his mob?

Well, I fear that could mean you and me!

He says that he is going to use MI5, the Police and the Civil Service to tell him where threats are to be found and it should be obvious to anyone reading this that each of these organisations is hostile to freedom, to patriots and to a sovereign British State.

The Civil Service is particularly malignant, it is in essence the Deep State. It never gets elected yet it wields enormous and perpetual power. It feigns as being there to serve us but in fact it wants to control us. It has been to the fore in OPPOSING any attempt to control migration, it has been HOSTILE to the realisation of Brexit and it continues to play to the globalist narrative as we saw during COVID tyranny times. The same can be said of the Police who have shown themselves in their true colours these past years when they enforced the removal of of freedoms during Lockdowns. These days they patrol social media to find hurty tweets rather than actually try to solves real crime. Who do YOU think the Police would name as “threats”? Finally we get to MI5 and here again, as has been apparent of decades, can anyone assert this organisation is capable of doing good? The Three letter agencies are just another cold dead hand of authoritarianism.

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​David Vance Substack

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