A man afraid of A.I. is inventing The Borg

Elon Musk the lunatic real life Tony Stark. I love the guy, but like Stark, Musk has tendencies…

One of the first things that made me look at the eccentric yet wonderful thinking of Musk was his position on Artificial Intelligence. He was against it with a passion, one that I happen to share. Now I can’t and won’t speak for Musk’ view, my view of AI is simple. It’s Shelly’s Frankenstein. Man has reached the level that he is more than capable of creating software that can mimic every aspect of the human mind and thought process. We have also created machines that can use those abilities at speeds we can’t begin to comprehend. Humanoid shells for those processors are less than 20yrs away Combat versions are already being tested. Yes it Scares the Sh** out of me.

That aside Mr. Musk has gone full bore on a project/company called Nueralink. The other side of the coin.


What exactly is Neuralink ? It is a superchip wired directly into a Human host. In the company’s own words.

Create the
Future with Us

Every day we’re building better tools intended to communicate with the brain. With the right team, the potential applications for this technology are limitless.

The Link

We’re aiming to design a fully implantable, cosmetically invisible brain-computer interface to let you control a computer or mobile device anywhere you go.

Micron-scale threads would be inserted into areas of the brain that control movement. Each thread contains many electrodes and connects them to an implant called the “Link.”

Now God Bless him, the very demonstrable benefit’s that Must intends to display with his human trials is that a blind man will see and a lame man will walk. Now according to my faith the last person to do that was Jesus, and he did it with Faith and a touch. Think of it we have reached the level of technology that we really can perform miracles, Musk’s technology will give sight to the blind and feeling back to paralyzed limbs. Have no doubt it will work.

The question however that comes to my childish, paranoid, bible, and comic book infested thought processes is a morality line. “With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility”. Which is always followed up by the next question that applies both here and to AI. Are we, mankind, responsible & mature enough to create life in any other manner than the natural way of our species, let alone embark on the creation of new superior life?

The realm we enter now is even more dangerous than the persistent Sword of Damocles of Nuclear War that we have yet to rid ourselves of. We have dangerously lost our fear of nuclear war which may still get us all killed with the current administration, Here we have gone far past nuclear war. What I fear is no one is paying or calling attention to that fact.

With the new real dangers of our current state of technology, what we are now capable of is 77 more years advanced than the Atomic Bomb. Put it in this perspective. In the same amount of time 77 years, we invented the first automobile and within that 77 years had spacecraft leaving the Solar System. This technology proves how far we have come.

I am a big fan of Elon Musk, my daughter says I have a bromance on him. I support his efforts in space travel, rockets, computers, free speech, hell even EV. I think the Neuralink is a miracle of modern science.

The Neuralink tech can give sight to the blind, replace paralyzed nerves. If it can fix why can’t it enhance?

Given mans proven nature, to corrupt and pervert great power. The ability to create a better man, a superior man is an even greater threat than creating a superior artificial intelligence. With AI we really don’t know. They may never gain sentience, emotion. We just really don’t know, theoretically a case can be made either way. Enhanced humans we do know, we all understand the horrors mankind is capable of when one group believe themselves to be superior than another. How would a group of enhanced superior humans look at the rest of us?

Mr. Musk fears the dangers of a runaway AI, I must say that I fear his technology also running away in a direction he has not perceived that it would. Both AI & Neuralink are here, there is no placing the Genie back in the bottle in either case. Ignorance may be bliss, but there are some hard questions that need to be asked.

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