Fluoride is a bio-weapon…



​  David Vance SubstackRead More

Your mouth is a battleground. Flouride is not what you think it is and we need to talk about it!

I used to think that Fluoride was a good thing. Why? Well, the “experts” told me it was. Yes, that’s how gullible I was. I mean my DENTIST would never tell me things that weren’t quite true, would he? (Like aluminium fillings being ever so safe!!!) Just like my DOCTOR would never tell me experimental gene injections were safe and effective when nothing was further from the truth! I now know to the better. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that Fluoride is a danger and should be avoided at all costs.

Did you know, for example, that Fluoride uptake in coronaries is associated with an increased cardiovascular risk of sudden death? Did you know that Fluoride causes oxidative stress and degeneration of heart muscle? Did you know that high levels of Fluoride can pose a risk to the intellectual development of children?

The thing is I can at least choose to buy a toothpaste and a mouthwash which are Flouride free. But what if they put it in the drinking water? How do I avoid it then?

Well, I have some good news..

In February, the Government announced that it was planning to raise fluoride levels in the tap water of millions to improve the nation’s teeth. However, a major review of 157 studies found that the benefit of fluoridation has dwindled since the 1970s when fluoride toothpaste became more widely available.

The team found no studies that showed fluoridation benefited adults and even in children it only caused slightly less tooth decay, with recent schemes possibly having no benefit at all.

“The evidence suggests that water fluoridation may slightly reduce tooth decay in children,” says co-author Dr Lucy O’Malley, senior lecturer in health services research at the University of Manchester.

“Given that the benefit has reduced over time, before introducing a new fluoridation scheme, careful thought needs to be given to costs, acceptability, feasibility and ongoing monitoring.”

If we look at countries like Ireland, we see a different picture. Ireland is the only European country with a policy of mandatory water fluoridation. This started in 1964 and it may partly explain why the “fighting Irish” have become the docile Irish.

Either way, can we really trust the authorities anywhere, all guided by WHO advice, to do the right thing.

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February, the Government announced that it was planning to raise fluoride levels in the tap water of millions to improve the nation’s teeth.

However, a major review of 157 studies found that the benefit of fluoridation has dwindled since the 1970s when fluoride toothpaste became more widely available.

The team found no studies that showed fluoridation benefited adults and even in children it only caused slightly less tooth decay, with recent schemes possibly having no benefit at all.


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