Death and Surrender – the Labour imperatives.



​  David Vance SubstackRead More

There are two ways of looking at this Labour Government.

It could be simply grossly incompetent OR it is maliciously evil.

Maybe both?

Let’s talk about just two things it has announced this week.

First, out of nowhere, it surrendered an obscure but strategic British overseas territory in the Chagos Islands!

The British government is to hand over sovereignty of the disputed Chagos Islands to Mauritius in a historic deal after years of negotiations, it has emerged. This includes the tropical atoll of Diego Garcia, used by the UK and United States as an important military base in the Indian ocean which hosts navy ships and long-range bomber aircraft.

The new agreement will secure the two countries’ rights to operate the military base at Diego Garcia, the largest island in the archipelago, for at least the next 99 years. The Foreign Office said the status of the base will be undisputed and legally secure following the political agreement between the two countries.

It seems odd that surrendering these islands was a priority for Labour but this seems to be a Foreign Office driven objective and low IQ Lammy went with it. But what message does this send to Gibraltar, to Falkland Islanders? Labour is out to BETRAY.

The second disturbing announcement was this.

Proposals to give terminally ill people in England and Wales the right to choose to end their life are to be introduced in Parliament this month. Labour MP Kim Leadbeater is putting forward the bill and said “now is the time” to hold a fresh debate on assisted dying, after MPs rejected a bill on the issue in 2015. Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has previously promised to give Labour MPs a chance to vote with their conscience on the issue and has supported a change in the law himself.

So now they want to introduce assisted killing. This is fraught with all kinds of issues – not least who decides what constitutes “terminally ill’ The Bible says thou shalt not kill – Labour says that thou can kill. This is Abortion 2.0. and the thin end of the wedge.

Why is Labour so keen to give away our overseas territories AND introduce assisted killing? Is it ideology, or is it just evil?

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