Whitty at the Covid Enquiry!



​  David Vance SubstackRead More

Did you see that England’s chief medical officer Professor Chris Whitty is giving evidence to the Covid inquiry today?

Professor Whitty, who became a household name during the pandemic, is being quizzed on the impact of the pandemic on the NHS.


Shouldn’t he be quizzed on the utterly disastrous impacts of the lockdowns, the furloughs, the masks, the Covid passports and above all the deadly impact of the “Vaccines” he endorsed on the PEOPLE of the UK? Whitty was a central figure to the wrongs of 2020-2022 and in my opinion he should be on trial for his involvement in the great Covid scam! He, along with Patrick Vallance and Boris Johnson, were the unholy trio in this massive scandal.

He was one of those who recommended that we lock down society for a “virus” from which the recovery rate was 99.9998%. I would argue it was from a “virus” that didn’t even exist and that the whole thing was a military grade psyops which needed actors like Whitty to give it a pretence of authority and “science” when it fact there was little to zero real science behind most things Whitty spoke about. I see him as akin to a 2nd World War criminal whose notoriety should endure throughout history and be taught to our children as evidence of the dangers that come from tyrannical Big Medicine.

HOWEVER, since this entire Covid Enquiry is a stitch up, Whitty will be allowed to waffle about how great the NHS was but how lessons must be learned etc etc. It is sanitisation, not investigation. The NHS should be investigated for manslaughter during the Spring of 2020 and the Winter of 2020/2021. Whitty was just a W.H.O. clone who parroted the driven narrative, helped drive the fear, and as such has to be held culpable. But this is no Nuremberg, at this point in the game he will be hailed as a hero of the hour and the NHS hailed as the great lifesaver. Wrong on every count.

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