The Cross Channel theatre


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

It seems to me that we are being primed by the media to accept even more of the illegal migrants that come across the English Channel. We are getting story after story like this…

Several people died overnight while trying to cross the Channel from France to England, according to French officials. “Several migrants lost their lives,” the Pas-de-Calais prefecture told the AFP news agency, without specifying the number of victims.

The BBC helpfully contextualises…

The incident comes more than a week after 12 people, including six children and a pregnant woman, died when a boat carrying dozens of migrants sank off the French coast. The incident on 3 September was the deadliest loss of life in the Channel this year.

I observed at the time of the previous sinking that it was curious how the dinghies that sink off the French coast are allegedly full of women and children but the ones that arrive at Dover are full of young men of fighting age. It does makes me wonder about what is actually happening and what we are being spoon fed by a corporate media entirely sympathetic to the concept of mass migration and great replacement.

Let’s be clear – the loss of ANY life is to be lamented but there would be ZERO drownings if the UK imposed a policy of turning back EVERY boat and accepting zero illegals. It is the weakness of successive Governments to do anything about this which is the core problem. The French don’t help but then again they never have. I don’t think we should expect anything of them but rather assert complete control over every vessel moving from the French shore into British territorial waters. It could be done but the political class don’t want it done. In a very real sense they collude with the very people traffickers they rage about. In fact, you could go as far as claiming that they ARE people traffickers themselves.

There is a concerted international attempt to ravage the West with uncontrolled migration and whilst those crossing the Channel constitute a smallish part of this, it’s still entirely unacceptable. The new Labour Government will do NOTHING to stop this armada of illegality and so we can expect more of these alleged sinkings as we deeper into Autumn and rougher seas.

Is it conceivable that these unfortunate drownings are weaponised into conditioning us collectively into tacitly accepting the illegals?

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