If viruses don’t exist, what do vaccines do?


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

I started off as a normie who believed everything that I was told by my GP and more broadly by the medical establishment. However after the Covid scamdemic experience I have gotten to the point where I don’t necessarily believe *anything* that I am told and I certainly question everything I am told. I suspect you might be rather like me in this regard and I think it’s healthy to have an enquiring mind.

This brings us to the interesting question if you don’t believe that viruses actually exist then what exactly is the purpose of vaccines? I’m talking all vaccines not just the Covid “vaccines” and I think it’s a question that does merit consideration. If vaccines are here to help us ward all these viruses but the viruses are not there in the first place then is the whole area of virology actually a sinister area? Have we been systematically fooled since Pasteur? In fact is Pasteur one of the great villains of medicine rather than a hero? If Virology just one massive psyop?

I’ve listened and read enough to conclude that the traditional theory of Virology is fraudulent. So I then ponder what’s IN these vaccines that they are injecting into so many and what does it do to humans?

As a young child in the 1960s I was fortunate that I didn’t receive many vaccines. The few that I did receive I don’t think they did me any good. I’m not sure if they did me any harm but what I do know is that the amount of vaccines pushed into young children now it is off the scale. This is horrific. Are all vaccines in themselves bio weapons? Has Science weaponised these jabs against us and done so in the name of science?

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