We are all enemies of the State


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

Some years ago, I was contacted by a certain Mr Tommy Robinson. He had just published a book called “Enemy of the State” and he wanted to send me a copy. In his book, he explains the incredible levels of State engineered persecution he has endured up until that time (2016). Since then things took a turn for the worse but his tenacity in the teeth of this onslaught has been impressive.

Now, let me say that I don’t agree with everything Tommy has said or done but I also appreciate that being Public Enemy Number One must bring intolerable stress. This working class man has suffered a lot and yet yesterday he brought around 50,000 patriotic Brits together in Trafalgar Square, London. I was amongst them. There was singing, there were speeches and even prayers. It felt great to be amongst these lovely people.

I woke up this morning to read this news.

Here’s the awful truth. It’s not just Tommy Robinson who is an enemy of the State, we ALL are! Everyone that went to the rally yesterday is an enemy of the State. Everyone reading this is an enemy of the State. And you should feel proud that you fall into such a category. Being a patriot is now essentially seen by the State as akin to being a terrorist.


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