Cancer is the new Covid. David Vance

Do you remember HOW they ushered in the age of Covid? We had frightening (fake) videos from China. We had scare stories about many deaths. We had high profile figures in the UK such as Boris Johnson and the then Prince Charles getting “the Covid” but magically recovering. We had a lockstep media which hyped the problem and demonised anyone who challenged the narrative that as being rapidly established.

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Why Leo Varadkar suddenly resigned!

The thing to understand about globalists is that once in their demonic club, you have to deliver – or else. Irish PM Leo Varadkar, a particularly nasty piece of work, has found this out the hard way! Just a few weeks ago, at the behest of the Irish Government led by little Leo, a referendum was held which was designed to further push Ireland into the moral sewer. Essentially it was asking to remove the centrality of the family and in particular the Mother from the Irish constitution. In addition, it sought to subvert the meaning of marriage by substituting the bizarre concept of “enduring relationships”.

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Reform is approved Opposition

Meet the unofficial of the Reform Party. His name is Nick Knowles. He is also the guy who fronts up the alleged hard left grifter group Hope not Hate. Now, you might wonder why I am saying that he is the unofficial leader of Reform and the answer is that he appears to get to pick their general election candidates. Most recently, his hateful organisation ran a hit piece on three official Reform candidates. This was standard left wing trolling and any authentic leader would have sent them packing.

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Nix Nike!

Woke sports clothing company Nike have decided to give St Georges’s cross an update on the New England kit. It looks a lot more LGBTQ+ Friendly and I am sure that is the intention.

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