Heat Alert, put on an extra layer!

Today. Monday 24th June, is reported to be the start of a mini heatwave. Here is how the BBC is selling it to us; The next few days are expected to bring the highest temperatures of the summer so far as warm air surges northwards across the UK. Scotland and Northern Ireland are expected to see their warmest weather on Monday, with highs of 24 to 26C, perhaps even 27C in eastern Scotland, before cloudier and cooler weather arrives from the west on Tuesday.

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Is the Trans movement Satanic?

At time of writing, the UK Labour Party is making it clear that should it form the Government NEXT month, it will then make it is easier for “trans people” to change their gender, showing them them “the respect and kindness” they deserve. Now I could argue that it is literally impossible for these mentally unwell folks to change their sex/gender but I think that is a given for all sane people. The deeper question has to be what drives this trans movement and when we look there, the answer is clear. Let’s start with

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Just how BADLY is the Uniparty polling?

The contrived weekend pile-on of Nigel Farage by the UK political and media elite is a truly sickening sight to behold. It is essentially a British variant of the “Trump is a Russian Agent” scam that they ran in 2016. The Establishment hates disruptors, anything that disturbs their cosy Uniparty consensus. Trump was a primary disruptor and so is Farage. In recent weeks, the momentum of the Reform party under Farage has been remarkable and it does look the Conservatives are going to be crushed. This is a very disturbing prospect for the Uniparty and so stopping Farage was crucial.

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