WHY Peter Hitchens is WRONG!


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

In the run up to the July 4th UK election, renowned political commentator Peter Hitchens implored us all to “hold our noses” and go out and vote Conservative. His reasoning was that if we didn’t do this in sufficient numbers, Labour would get in and then implement their radical plans. He was the first to admit how dreadful the Conservatives had been BUT they would never be anything like as bad as Labour. In essence he suggested that we pick the least worst option between Conservatives and Labour. He believed that a vote for any other Party, or indeed choosing not to vote, would bring disaster upon us.

So six weeks later, I notice that some people who really should know better are suggesting Hitchens was right, that we SHOULD have voted for the traitorous Tories just to reduce the Labour majority. Here’s an example from X.

Now many people, me included, did not see Labour going FULL authoritarian so fast. However I would argue that it was still RIGHT not to vote for Sunak’s snake oil Cons. So anyway, how does Mr “I Point out the Blooming Obvious” respond to this Twitter account? Well…

Hitchens trots out the bleeding obvious (Labour will always be worse, by some margin, than the Conservatives) but offers no solution beyond sustaining a discredited Conservative Party. Listen, the Conservatives and Labour ARE the Uniparty. The only difference between them is time. Responsibility for this nightmare Labour Junta lies with all those weak Conservatives who sat in power for 14 years and did little to protect our freedom. During those years Hitchens did criticise them in many policy areas – and was ignored. So his response to a Conservative Party that has systematically betrayed everything it was supposed to stand for is…to vote for it.

No, no and no again. I want to see the Conservative Party utterly razed to the ground and the earth salted lest it ever returns. We deserve something BETTER than failed faux Conservatism and that will not be realised unless we bury it. In a way, Hitchens is an Undertaker dying the customer is dead.

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