I should start by saying that we don’t really have pure capitalism at the moment, we have monopoly capitalism which is a totally different animal, however this article looks at capitalism versus communism to show how Net Zero is the latter

monopoly capitalism
I should start by saying that we don’t really have pure capitalism at the moment, we have
which is a totally different animal, however this article looks at capitalism versus communism to show how Net Zero is the latter.
The premise of capitalism is that companies would seek to make profits, and in turn this would lead to greater efficiency, lowering of costs and innovation which would in turn benefit wider society in terms of the externalities those elements represent.
Capitalism is also based on risk and reward, there is a concept that the people who have the greatest ability to lead, to be entrepreneurs and to take on responsibility are rewarded by receiving higher monetary compensation than those who are employees, and who by definition would benefit from greater stability, job security but far less responsibility. So the risk takers of society are rewarded and incentivized in capitalism. Rather than rewarding those who are closest to the government narrative or inner circle.

risk and reward,
Capitalism is also based on
there is a concept that the people who have the greatest ability to lead, to be entrepreneurs and to take on responsibility are rewarded by receiving higher monetary compensation than those who are employees, and who by definition would benefit from greater stability, job security but far less responsibility. So the risk takers of society are rewarded and incentivized in capitalism. Rather than rewarding those who are closest to the government narrative or inner circle.
Capitalism also works of demand and supply: when there’s a demand for a product, there’s an incentive to produce it, and products and services that have no demand would naturally die off. In this way, capitalism is very democratic because people can vote for the products and services they like through their spending power, essentially leading to a more fulfilled and dynamic society.
Capitalism is also rational, decisions are made on the basis of accounting figures in general, not on the basis of ideology! So this means capitalistic decisions are objective not subjective, because when you’re making decisions based on profit and loss and numbers, there’s a lot more certainty than being guided by wooly ideological ideas.

However Net Zero is all about communism, so let’s look at why it’s like communism.
Communists always have their Five-Year plans, with net zero we know they constantly talking about target dates 2030, 2035. The targets are almost always arbitrary.
In communism, it is the bureaucrats that pick winners and losers, so there’s no market forces guiding decisions. Bureaucrats decide wind farms will thrive, so no new nuclear reactors will be built etc. there’s no democracy, because it’s not in the hands of what the public decide through their spending power. When governments pick winners and losers there’s always corruption because the insiders linked to government get the contracts and insider trading in effect happens.
When governments make decisions, it also leads to massive barriers to entry, so there’s lack of competition as only those in with the bureaucracy and the government are awarded the contracts.

When bureaucrats make non-market-based decisions it leads to inefficiency, because there’s no capacity to change and to adapt according to market forces and there is far less incentive to cut costs in communism because decision-making processes are ideological not profit-based, therefore there’s no incentive to innovate or to improve efficiency.
In communism, targets are down to bureaucrats and are ideological and arbitrary.

Net Zero
is all about an ideology it’s about arbitrary targets, it’s about bureaucrats making decisions, it’s about disregarding market forces and it’s not about efficiency. The most efficient way forward for business and the economy is cheap, efficient, reliable energy.
Communism is always about control because it’s never going to survive otherwise as it’s against human self determination and it kills the spirit that’s why Net Zero and total control and surveillance go hand in hand.
Let’s end by stating, oil is not a “fossil fuel” this is just another Rockefeller-funded lie to create artificial scarcity. No fossils have been ever found below 16,000 feet but there’s plenty of oil down at 30,000 feet and lower.
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