UK General Election – Aftermath!


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

A few months ago when I was planning the next LIVE event I settled on July 26th in London Town. It was a Friday night, I was able to get a nice venue, so all seemed fine. And then Rishi Sunak called a General Election for July 4th! Yikes. So I decided that the SUBJECT of the Live event should change to be “UK General Election – AFTERMATH”!

In order to have a really goods nights chat on the topic, I have invited voices from all parts of the UK.

Laurence Fox will be there to add his unique takes on whatever the outcomes will be. Laurence has put the full weight of his Reclaim movement behind Nigel Farage, a decision with which I fully agree. It will be very interesting to watch how Reform performs. Laurence is consistently on the money with his takes on political life so it will be great to share a stage with him.

The Scottish perspective will be provided by the always excellent and erudite David Scott. You may have known David from his days on UK Column but in recent times he has gone solo and is putting up top class material here on his Digging Deeper substack! It will be fascinating to see what happens to the SNP, will Labour take half their seats, what does this mean for the people living in Scotland.

Then we must turn to Wales – or the Socialist Labour Republic as some might call it. I am delighted to be joined by Stan and Dan from Voice of Wales to get their insight of what has happened! Wales has been governed by Labour for 20 years or more and it seems to me a mess so will there be any change for the better?

Back to England, and I am really pleased to have David Atherton join us to give his take on where things stand. Many of you will know David from his prodigious social media content and TV output and he will be following events closely and share his thoughts.

As regards Northern Ireland, well, I know a guy who can tell us what the score is there!

Finally, we hope to have a very special guest join us for this event but you will have to wait until the night to find out who! All I will say that the guest is extremely well known and definitely worth hearing.

It should be a great night so please come along if you can. History will have been made on the 4th July, we get to have our say on the 26th!

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