The World Health Organisation currently has two policies it wants adopted into international law and its control.
1) Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations
2) Proposed Pandemic Treaty
These proposals are currently on the table of No. 10 Downing Street.
These amendments, if adopted by the UK, will transfer UK Sovereign laws controlling LOCKDOWINS, VACCINE MANDATES, MASK WEARING, etc to the World Health Organisation WHO, under International Laws.
This transfer of power does not have to be brought before the UK Parliament; it can simply be given approval by the UK governments “Delegate” representing them at the WHO.
Everyone needs to write to their MP, you will find a template here:
I attempted to email every MP on the basis, that this massive giveaway of Sovereign Power, Accountability and Control over the UK population, affects every person in the UK in every constituency in the UK.
Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations:
Proposed Pandemic Treaty:
You can find out exactly what the WHO has planned by viewing Journalist James Roguski’s work here.
James is interviewed here on UK Column detailing the WHO plans:
The WhatsApp Releases – The Excuse to Hand Over UK Pandemic Laws and Control to the World Health Organisation
The release of these WhatsApp messages and their uptake and discussion by the whore MSM is another Psyops. Its purpose is designed to demonstrate just how poor, incompetent the Prime Minister, Health Minister, etc, etc were at handling the fake pandemic. Something the MSM have had zero interest in for the past 3 years.
We are going to hear things in the MSM like.
“They didn’t understand the science”
“They were bumbling around”
“They were putting Politics ahead of ego”
“They were putting Politics ahead Expert Opinion”
“They were putting Politics ahead of The Science”
If you want evidence of this, just listen to David Davis MP with Julia Hartley-Brewer this morning 06MAR23 on TalkTV – Listen from 5:50 Seconds.
Just listen to how Julian loads the “Incompetence v’s Experts” agenda on her lead into the first question.
Then, the very first words of Davis’s response are:
“I’m not surprised about the lack of scientific basis”
He then throws Professor Neil Ferguson (modeler in chief) onto a pier of burning bovine, describing his computer pandemic modelling as fantasy.
Very necessary if you want to sew the seed that the entire UK Parliament and scientific community are incompetent, so that you can later introduce the discussion of “wouldn’t it be better if we just delegated these matters to an international body of “Scientific Experts”
He followed this with: “Whitehall generally is really crap at handling science and technology”
And that’s the reason for the “All the Pandemic’s men” WhatsApp scandal.
This will then move to the MSM having a few weeks of fake debate around “wouldn’t it be better if we just delegated these matters to and international body of “Scientific Experts like the WHO”, intermingled with various ministers and MP’s lining up to say just how naïve, silly and naughty they had been, and that really, mummy and daddy WHO, know what’s best.
With the exception of Andrews Bridgen, every MP that fails stop this, by resigning if necessary, needs to be tried for treason.
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