The Speech That Just Might Have Breached The Wall

I am not a fan of Unions. I have watched Labor Unions destroy companies. I have watched the Teachers Union destroy American youth for the past 40 years. I have seen Unions infested at the management level by Organized Crime. I have also spent my life working beside Union Workers that were the hardest working people you could ever meet.

The Democrat Party has owned the Union vote for the past 121 years, and like every Democrat Constituency they betrayed them. Since the end of WWII the Politicians that Union Votes and Union Dues have bankrolled have done nothing but make deals with corporations and other countries to move those union jobs out of the country. Out of the ability of American Workers have a job, let alone fight for a fair wage.

Donald Trump in his first election carried a vast segment of the Union Workers vote due to his stance on immigration. Nothing hurts a American Worker more than the fact that a company can hire two or three Illegals for the cost of one American Worker. Trump added to that support by his trade policies that both created more American jobs, but was also bringing back manufacturing that our politicians and corporations outsourced to other nations.

The blame of outsourcing Americas Productivity overseas and to Mexico can be laid at the feet of both parties. It has been the fault of the greed of the entire political elite Democrat and Republican. This has to stop, and Donald Trump showed us the way. The key to American productivity has always been controlled by just three factors, Cheap Energy, Regulations, and Taxes. Donald Trump was solving all three.

The Following speech is from Sean O’Brien, general president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. He sent requests to both parties, only President Trump responded to him.

Here for the first time in 121yrs a speech from the Teamsters at the Republican Convention.

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