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The Real Announcement

Trump had fun this week he set the whole world up with a “Special Announcement”.

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This announcement of a “Special Announcement” caused a spasm of the talking heads. The Left went into it’s usual conniptions about all things Trump. While the Right went down their own Rabbit Holes, Oh he’s going to announce he’s running with Ron DeSantis. Others said Kari Lake. The Left pulled out their hair, and the Right drooled with anticipation.

Then the Announcement he made was for Trading Cards. Trump Superhero Digital Trading Cards

Donald J. Trump


MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT! My official Donald Trump Digital Trading Card collection is here! These limited edition cards feature amazing ART of my Life & Career! Collect all of your favorite Trump Digital Trading Cards, very much like a baseball card, but hopefully much more exciting. Go to & GET YOUR CARDS NOW! Only $99 each! Would make a great Christmas gift. Don’t Wait. They will be gone, I believe, very quickly!

Now most people didn’t get the joke. Trump had just Trolled everyone, and got a billion dollars worth of free advertising for himself and his campaign all while launching a sure method of creating a donor List out of all the people who bought them, and people are buying them. Most of the cards are already sold out.

The real purpose of the whole thing was to get everyone’s attention focused on him so that the MSM couldn’t ignore the second part, the REAL announcement. Trump’s plan on how he would protect Free Speech. That part of the announcement is here:

I am of two views on this gambit. First it was hysterical watching the talking heads on all sides get trolled. That aspect of the gambit worked perfectly. My second view is that it failed. The MSM still ignored the REAL announcement regarding Free Speech, while they had a field day with his Trading Cards dishing out tons of ridicule.

The Card stunt was unique, but the entire scheme backfired. His Freedom of Speech message still was ignored by the MSM. They’ve actually used the trading card half of the story to bury the free speech half. As with all things Trump, he showed us once again he is human, and apt to make mistakes an miscalculations the same as anyone. Which to me only adds to his appeal.

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