The National Trust is a national disgrace.



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I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised to discover that the National Trust has been entirely captured by the battalions of the left in their long march through the Institutions. The Director General of the National Trust, Hilary McGrady, has confirmed as much;

Seventy per cent of National Trust staff are “progressive activists”, the charity’s director-general has admitted. Speaking at a Labour Party fringe event run by More in Common, Hilary McGrady also revealed the views of her staff risk putting the National Trust at odds with the wider public. McGrady, who was appointed as the National Trust’s director-general in 2018, said: “The reality is, and I am sure this is quite common with quite a lot of civil society, I would say that 70 per cent of my staff and volunteers would be regarded as progressive activists.”

I would say it’s more than “a risk”, Hilary, it’s a fact. The National Trust is staffed by people who hate this United Kingdom and our proud and glorious history and who can barely disguise this hate by wrapping themselves up in the garb of “progressive activists”.

I used to be a member of the National Trust but resigned over it’s pathetic support for the BLM heist in 2020;

The National Trust is assessing hundreds of statues and other items in collections at its historic sites in response to the Black Lives Matter protests after removing an offensive statue of a kneeling black man from the driveway of a stately home in Cheshire. The charity, which owns 500 properties and more than a million artifacts, removed the 18th-century statue of a man depicted wearing a feathered skirt and carrying a sundial on his head from a prominent position at the front of Dunham Massey, after receiving complaints from the public.

As if that wasn’t bad enough;

The National Trust has included Winston Churchill’s family home in a dossier of sites linked to “colonialism and slavery”, citing the former prime minister’s role in the Bengal famine and his opposition to Indian independence…

This is all woke politics and the National Trust cannot help itself but engage on all these points and now we know WHY – it’s because it hates the very history of the sites it pledges to protect. If you are a still a member, my advice is to resign. If we keep funding and supporting the National Trust it will simply continue destroying our National heritage.

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