David Vance SubstackRead More
Did you see that construction has begun on a £2.5 million mosque on the edge of the Lake District? The South Lakes Islamic Centre charity, which is behind the project, claims it will be the first mosque in the Lake District and the only one within a 50-mile radius. However, the mosque will actually fall outside of the Lake District National Park’s boundary.
The charity says the place of worship, near Dalton-in Furness in the South Lakes area, will be used by more than 100 local Muslim families. According to the charity’s social media channels, work began on the site earlier this month after full planning permission was granted in 2022. The charity warned that the work could stop by April due to a lack of funds, but the extra money had now been secured.
I wonder where the “extra money” came from? I wonder who precisely contributed the considerable sum required? Building such a large mosque in an area where there are so very few Muslims, at the moment, seems curious. Are they expecting many more will come?
The Muslim population of the Lake District National Park in England is estimated to be between 100 and 300 people as of the 2021 Census, representing roughly 0.3% to 0.7% of the area’s residents.
Who granted planning permission for this Mosque? Well, I can see that the LIBERAL DEMOCRATS performed well the year planning permission was granted. Is this their idea of progress?
We have come a long way from William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge!
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