The Joyless Parasites of Labour



​  David Vance SubstackRead More

Across in the States, there is a concerted attempt being made to present the hollow vessel that is extreme Leftist Kamala Harris as the very personification of “joy” and it looks like it may even work. Here in the UK, no one can reasonably associate this new Labour Government with Joy! Instead we have an emerging grey soulless regime determined to REMOVE as much pleasure from our lives as is possible and this is my abiding take away from their Liverpool conference and it is most evident in the chilling pledge by Keir Starmer that…

So, yes, THEY are upfront about their mission to take back control of our lives, of our plans, of our families. This is always the Socialist Utopian vision – everything will get better so long as the State is controlling it. None of us can do things better than the State and so we must submit ourselves to Government and its agencies and hope that they will take care of us.

They won’t. What they will do is make the lives of many people immeasurably worse as freedom is stripped away in the name of the common good. This is how it works. In order for them to win control of our lives, it’s vital that they start restricting some of the things we do. So, for example, they openly boast about a very tough budget coming next month but don’t worry, it will be short term pain for long term gain! Is there anyone so stupid as to believe this, other than the clapping seals that made up their Conference?

Labour hates to see people succeed on their own efforts and seeks to limit this by introducing more regulation, an empowered bureaucracy and an over-reaching Nanny State. It will relentlessly pilfer the Private Sector in order to reward its many worker drones in the State sector. Small to medium sized business will be squeezed even as Labour sucks up to large Corporations which it can then collude with in pursuance of the Control agenda.

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