The Election has passed, the Holidays are here. Except for the stuff that never get’s reported about nothing is being done by those who believe themselves to be our betters in Washington. The nation is suffering a hangover from an overdose of BullSh** from all those with an agenda on all side’s of the Political Spectrum.
The Election was a disaster for both sides, not in the cost of wins or loses of seats of power. No the disaster is the exposure that all sides have lost faith in the things they believe in. The country is in a state of malaise as President Carter said in similar times. The difference is what is accompanying the malaise this time, Anger & Despair. The Fear has yet to kick in.
The Economy is collapsing and the pitiful lack of honesty in the discussion of the reasons why is the real elephant in the room. The Political Elite have decided to change our society to align with their belief of control through Climate Change. It has already cost every American Family $7,400 a year out our family incomes. An American family income averages $70,784, that’s $5,898.66 a month earned. Biden’s Climate Policies have just this year cost every family over a month’s worth of income. Who is addressing this?
The Policies that have caused this pain will not only continue, but grow worse over the next two years. No matter who controls the House or the Senate neither side will change a thing. The Democrats don’t want to, and the Republicans couldn’t even if they were to try, which they won’t.
The Senate is a Dead body of Governance populated by a pack of narcissistic sycophant’s the majority of which are only interested in amassing great wealth for themselves and their families. Those that aren’t are too small in number to make any difference. Where the House now controlled by the Republicans could actually bring everything to a halt if they followed Constitutional Rules, but that ship sailed decades ago. The Continuing Resolution Budget eliminated the Power of the Purse that the House has. Add to that the fact the Republicans are a herd of Cat’s with a few imbedded factions that have proven they can not and will not work in unison. The only faction worth watching the next two years is the Jordan faction. Seeing if they can make any progress unraveling the corrupt snakepit that the Justice Department has turned into. Make no preparations for celebration though, even if they were to find a pile of bodies along with every smoking gun not one person will be prosecuted. They lack the power, and unlike the Democrats and their J6 Hearings the Republicans won’t pretend they can prosecute anyone “Legally”.
The show that will occupy the nation , and most likely the world will be the spectacle of another Trump run for President. This will provide the Hope, and Entertainment we will need for the next two years as the economy collapses and other disasters yet revealed come about.
It will be a very frustrating, frightening time for us all. Tensions are thick, nerves and tolerance grow thin. The fear of something stupid happening is ever there, increasing. This isn’t discussed, however it is always easy to monitor. The level of tension the average American citizen is feeling is expressed, easily monitored by how heavily we are indulging in our favorite fetish.
When we get nervous it’s just what we do…..
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