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The Curtain on the J6 Clown Show has finally come down.

The January 6th Committee

Formed July 1, 2021

Chair Bennie Thompson (D) · Since July 1, 2021

Vice Chair Liz Cheney (R) · Since September 2, 2021

Seats 9

Political parties Majority (7) · Democratic (7) · Minority (2) · Republican (2)

PurposeTo investigate the attack on the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021

Senate counterpart None

It’s hard to put into words the emotions that this committee evoke, Anger, Dismay, Despair, Regret, and just plain disgust. This committee was formed to persecute a former President and anyone who supported him. Its only purpose was to try and criminalize his next run for President. No committee like this has ever existed in the U.S. not even after the Civil War. The formation of the committee was done totally outside of House procedures and norms. Speaker Pelosi not only picked the members to represent her side, the Prosecution. She also picked who was going to represent the President’s side, the Defense. Refusing to allow the President any representation for his defense.

This committee then proceeded to conduct itself as some quasi Grand Jury and self proclaimed criminal court, although it followed no rules of law that exist in this country. No witnesses were crossed examined, no evidence shared with the defense, only witnesses approved by the prosecution could be heard, no witnesses allowed for the defense, no evidence at all allowed to be subpoenaed, and or presented by the defense. Put simply the accused were allowed no defense at all.

As to be expected Donald J Trump, and anyone else they could think of were found guilty by this farce, and referred to Attorney General Merrick Garland to be Prosecuted on the “Evidence” the committee presented.

The Charges

This committee, it’s members, it’s staff, and it’s so called witnesses have been the cherry on the cake of the most corrupt Congress that has ever held power in American history. For over 7 years members of this Congress that have been in power since Barack Obama was President have actively broken the law, and violated the Constitution to frame and prosecute Donald J Trump. They have led a scorched earth campaign against him and a third of the American people.

The Clown Show has finally come to its end. This will not be the end however of the persecution of the former President or his supporters. Our Stalinist Attorney General Garland has already appointed a “Special Prosecutor” to bring charges against the former President. This “Evidence” fabricated by the J6 committee will just be shifted over to the pile of fabricated evidence that he is creating.

The Snipe Hunt that they are involved in is really a never ending adventure of dark fantasy, illusion, and lies, regretfully that we will all have to suffer through for another two years.

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2 thoughts on “The Curtain on the J6 Clown Show has finally come down.

  1. I decree though the committee has ended, the Lord God Almighty is not finished with these conspirators to destroy not only a President of the United States, but attack his followers with lies and false accusations with no due process. The fact that there are hundreds of political prisoners in D.C. jails should be screamed from the root tops of every American who cherishes freedom. Freedom has been stolen by these evil communist souls that will not get away with their crimes. I decree God’s Warrior Hosts post themselves around these souls with conviction of the Holy Spirit and with opportunity to repent and become a whistleblower or suffer the full justice warranted by their lies, cheating, stealing and destruction of American freedoms. In Jesus Name.

    1. Amen

      The question is will the new congress make this a priority. It should be and I hope it will be. There are several obstacles, the first being how many different things the New House has to investigate.

      Plus how willing are they going to be to prosecute fellow members. Personally I think they should all be put in stocks on the capitol steps, and then locked up for the rest of their lives.


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